Pink 'GID innards' Hone Suke by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr Pink Clear Neko RxH by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr RxH Daruma Metallic Pink by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr Fairy Bero Bero Mugshot by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr RxH Mini Neko - Metallic Pink by The Moog Image Dump, on Flickr
real nice colorwave that purple goes perfect with that clear pink vinyl they should try reversing the color and see what happens lol
He's really a total PITA the photograph All the blue spray on his pink vinyl is very obviously blue in person, but in front-lit pictures it doesn't come through as blue very well and in back-lit pics it always looks purple. Those'll have to do for now, tough. He's definitely been getting lots of attention in the living room since he arrived.
Another 1 for the Biskup collection. A large part of my collection is Biskup but it seems like I only get 1 or 2 pieces a year now. This is 1 that I am really happy to own.
Thank you for this thread my roommate is gonna turn over a new leaf and join us on the dark side when she sees this
amazing collections everyone... glad to see i'm not the only one who loves pink toys... they really make a statement! here's my pink toy area... sorry no kaijus...
Man Andy is slipping, this last collection photo has been here a full 24 hours, and you don't feel like a little boy yet. Are you kidding, of course you have Kaiju... There's a Rose Vampire, sandwiched in between the KR toys, and Kozik's mashed potato hair Beethoven. Just curious, do you really like Beethoven enough to listen to him regularly? Are the Sex Pistols on regular rotation in you MP3 list? Are you really a communist at heart, did you read Guerrilla Warfare or see The Motorcycle Diaries, and think that chap is alright in my book. Maybe you just love the anatomy of the skull? I just wonder what possesses people to buy some of these things. I mean there are so many sculptors out there doing good work, we have so much to choose from, and people still buy things made by Kozik's Interns. Please don't think I'm coming at you just to be a jerk to you personally, I give my wife shit about some of her choices as well, and I have a few things that I wouldn't show on the board here, because I feel they're borderline... What makes you any different, why do we want to see that stuff here, most people come here to get away from it. You've been here long enough to see me get my ass chewed out for talking about Eastern Vinyl, you should know better. At least you have the SB skull up there and not the SSUR Black w/gold teeth copycat...
Oooohhhhh, so that's what this thread is all about, lol Now give me a hug and let's all just make up.