Yet again, SDCC is all about the people - meeting new friends and old. Here's some pix from THURSDAY July 23 2009: Gene SImmons at the HardRock lunchtime on Thursday - totally surreal lunch as we were seated next table to Gene and un-naturally tall son. THEN mini-me is seated behind us - it's an SDCC weirdness moment! MummyBoyMark gets his frug on while Gene looks on: Someone in the Pus line paid $160 for a TokiDoki sac - woo hoo! Chris pulls out another winner at Thursday's Pus event - ably abetted by Anthony, mastermind behind teh whole event: And teh winner is.....PUSADDICT: Pus offerings: Oui and Andy also score at the lottery - here they are overwhelmed by the choices: Oi! Fuck off out of it mate! ANdy and Pus get territorial: Wasted again: The new Pus banana? Sadly not to be: ToyPunk Justin and Hiddy know how to make a boy feel welcome: Toy Punk Chris gets his big furry out for teh lasses: Mori is nearly as stoked as Don and me: A rose between two hairy thorns: Tara stops by S7: A well deserved EOD rest; Scott chills out with his mummy(boy):
Yep - very busy at work - but planning on all days. Dont think many people scroll all the way down to MM - but make sure to check.