sale satire is done....

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by logang1, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. cellar_door

    cellar_door Fresh Meat

    Was he thrown into a tiger cage? Or was my American friend shitting me?
  2. selekta_nips

    selekta_nips Post Pimp

    me to andy
    thanks for all the cheap deals
    (not a huge political person and dont think this is the forum for it anyway)
    in my opinion religion and politics are conversations that go no where
  3. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    Re: Selling My Real x Head collection

    :lol: damn, I totally forgot about that jackass...

    thanks for pointing out just how much I keep up with all those trustworthy politicians... and yeah'... looks like I totally forgot about that last round
  4. sumatra71

    sumatra71 Super Deformed

    soooo true...!!!

    it's just an endless debate that just goes round n' round in ridiculous circles... fuck all that bs...!!!
  5. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Re: Selling My Real x Head collection

  6. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    "it's just an endless debate that just goes round n' round in ridiculous circles... fuck all that bs...!!!"

    You just described about 75% of the conversation that goes on here, regardless of content. Eastern vs Western, RxH vs Cronic, decypher vs Manimal, Fresh Meat vs OG, Obama vs McCain, Pogue vs his mustache, etc.
  7. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Pogue vs. Mustache is just a lie perpetrated to get us all riled up. I'm sick of Mustache continually saying one thing than doing another! They're on the same side if you ask me. I'm voting for sideburns. Danzig supports them, and that means something to me.
  8. joshuajh

    joshuajh Administrator Staff Member

    i think the reason that politics an religion conversations tend to go in unproductive circles is that a lot of folks say 'fuck (whatever they dont like)" without actually getting into the issue, understanding it, and debating it objectively.

    saying fuck politics and politicians does not seek a resolution. very few, if any, politicians are completely transparent, and you will never agree with 100% of what somebody else stands for. im frustrated a bit by obama's change of tune on financing, but i still agree with the majority of what he stands for. on the other hand, i have enormous respect for john mccain for all that he has gone through in the name of our country, but i agree with very few of his political aims, and do not want him in the white house. politics will never be black and white.

    regardless of your attitude on any of the candidates, please do some research and make your voice heard productively, in the voting booth, at the national and local levels.

  9. Krudler

    Krudler Comment King

    To get elected its necessary to lie up a storm in the US. I'm disappointed about the change of tune as well.

    Pledging to unite the country then being as divisive as possible worked for the Chimp.

    Obama is very shrewd, he may have assessed what to expect from the Republicans and chosen to borrow from their playbook. Lie to get elected then do what he wants.

    Democrats lie as well and always have, but things have really gotten bad with Rove style politics.
  10. KLaddict

    KLaddict Comment King

    I was an Obama maniac until his flip flop on Financing (although the public finance system is also flawed) but more problems have developed. His support of FISA is a disaster and in trying to prove himself to be a patriot has done more harm then good in my eyes. Everything he does for America's agricultural workers is great and all but to refuse to import cane ethanol (which is 8 times more efficient then corn based ethanol), or to tax it at so high of a rate that it is stupid to import, creates an image of America as insulated and self serving two things I simply cannot support.
  11. kaiwi

    kaiwi Addicted

    Re: Selling My Real x Head collection

    If (1) advocates a state-run health care system, then count me out. I grew up on welfare, and I still remember sitting for hours waiting to see a doctor at the clinic. With Kaiser, I wait for 10 minutes tops for much better care.

    If people really believed that Obama agreed with you on (3), that alone would be enough to get McCain elected by a landslide. Fortunately, I don't think Obama is that naive.
  12. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Re: Selling My Real x Head collection

    You have to get up earlier than that . . . ;)
  13. hillsy11

    hillsy11 Post Pimp

    Cane biofuel is definitely more efficient than Feed/Corn biofuel, but the fact is, the US produces about as much biofuel as Brazil does. If the US were to import even more biofuel from Brazil, that could seriously damage US production. Brazil can't produce enough for the global community on it's own. A US president has to balance global issues with domestic issues, so by necessity, must be a little "self serving".
  14. logang1

    logang1 Mini Boss

    Re: Selling My Real x Head collection

    Hillsy is right, round and round. It gets tired.

    The Obama flip flopping is going to get worse. I live in a state (Massachusetts) where the "magic can happen" slogan (seriously) was used until I felt nauseous in campaign ads, for our current Governor, and he's turned out to be a COMPLETE yutz. VERY VERY similar candidate imagery and vibe as Obama.

    People want change so badly, a breath of fresh air, that they impart their hopes into sometimes the most unlikely person, hoping for the underdog that has to work harder for it, and hence that "work harder" diligence will also translate to that very same "change" everyone wants. Its spectacularly naive to think that one guy....ANY one guy, Republican or Democrat, can change the "Washington" politics game, EVER. That game will always be truly bigger than the players. Those campaign commercials for any public office, where a candidate will say that they'll "clean up" Washington, or they want to desperately differentiate themselves from a current public official or regime by saying that they won't be a continuation of a current administration's politics or policies.......ITS CRAP.

    They all lie, they are ALL politicians, including Barack, which people are slowly understanding, and that all of those platforms he ran on through caucuses and primaries, will slowly revert to what ever demographic he needs to pick up.

    I'm not a huge McCain fan either, but people supporting Obama seem to have this blind investment in him being sooooooooo different in how he looks, talks, acts, and speaks....that he MUST be the very difference that this country needs to turn it all around for them. I say that may get him elected, but just as in my state, as that bullshit worked for Deval Patrick.....when its over, the voters get to swim in a deep feeling of "buyer's remorse" for the next term....wondering, "is this guy just making this up as he goes along??"

    Its a shitty feeling.

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