my wife took me to Benu for my birthday. The head chef used to be the head chef at French Laundry. It was interesting and exciting since it was like a 17 course tasting menu. there were a few dishes that were really good like the oyster, pork belly and kimchi dim sum that had to be eaten immediately or it would disintegrate. but for me, most of the dishes just felt like they were trying too hard to be exotic in terms of ingredients and presentation, sacrificing taste in the process.
But that's why the French Laundry is great....they don't meddle with molecular gastronomy (well...not on the level where it is overt).
You might have already seen this Kirkland but Bauer's review of Benu was published just a couple of days ago: His writing is so strange sometimes: "Whether the food is good or bad, you know immediately that this is a four-star kitchen." So the stars are for "the kitchen" even if the food is bad?
yeah, i read his review. I think he was taken with the presentation. many of these dishes are reinterpretations of traditional chinese food. which is fine, but i could have saved a ton of money and had a ton more to eat by going to Canton Dim Sum right down the street.
Has anyone been to Mission Chinese Food and if so what did you think? My foodie buddy thinks it's "too hipster" and won't go with me.
Your friend not wanting to go someplace because he thinks there are too many hipsters makes him a closet hipster.
thanks. made reservations at Foreign Cinema. It's been many years and a few girlfriends since i've been there.
awesome... i'm going to go up to everyone in the restaurant asking them if they know this cute Zombie couple...
That would be fun. She'd know who you're talking about if you mentioned zombies because she was at the wedding. She works in the kitchen, though.
BASK-and-beyond lovers of food, this thread is languishing but must not die! Favorite cookbooks of the moment: Mexican Family Cooking by AĆda Gabilondo - Rick Bayless' books taught me the basics on this subject but this book makes it all seem so much more flexible and easy. There's a sort of corn casserole recipe here that I can't get enough of. Baking - From My Home To Yours by Dorie Greenspan - This is really all about dessert baking, so the title is slightly misleading, but the book is enormously comprehensive and informative. Every recipe I've tried so far has been fantastic. There are a lot of originals in addition to the classics. Made granola/coconut/salted peanut/raisin cookies last night ... super-addictive. Heston Blumenthal at Home by the man himself. Never mind the artsy-but-impossible Fat Duck cookbook, this is the one if you want to try implementing this guy's philosophies and recipes at home without a bunch of weird "modernist" ingredients that you have to mail-order. As much fun to use as it is to browse. First thing I tried was so-called "raspberry sherbet" which is actually an odd fizzy candy sort of like you had as a kid, although that's about as weird as things get in the book. The book focusses a lot on smart contemporary technique (e.g. poach fish in oil, not broth) but isn't over the top about it. There are a few sous-vide recipes but otherwise this is stuff that anyone can cook.
^^^Yes Yes! Dean can also perform the tea ceremony too! I haven't gotten around to trying macha yet. I'll have to look at your cook books. I'm a huge Rick Bayless fan. He really helped me to understand Latino cuisine and his method of cooking is very practical as well as tasty. Watching him demo all of the prepping methods is very helpful, and a great supplement to just reading his recipes. I love his cooking show--"Mexico, One Plate At a Time". Also for those of you who have a favorite, can you please recommend your FAVORITE RAMEN OR UDON establishments?
OK NoCal food fuckers....I need some updates! I'm going to be in the Bay Area in a couple of weeks. I have my 4 year old with me so I'm requesting suggestions for casual joints. Mucho gracias.
Park Chow - Very casual quasi-American ... right next to Golden Gate Park in the Inner Sunset. L'Osteria del Forno - North Beach Trattoria. I've been in love with this place for decades ... always good, relatively inexpensive, very casual. If the pumpkin ravioli is on the specials board, recommended! Beachside - Very decent place in the Outer Sunset. To Hyang - Family-style Korean in the Inner Richmond. Bourdain loved it.
Thanks Dean! One of the days we'll be at Golden Gate Park all day so Park Chow sounds interesting. And I love pumpkin ravioli so might have to check out Forno. Thanks! Just looked up Esperpento......that might have to be a must see.
Here's hoping the family has a great time in "The City!" Sorry for the edit ... I took Esperento off the list because Yelp says it's not "good for kids," but it is a great place with a real buzz going on these days. C'mon fellow BASKards, I know you have some casual family-friendly faves, too...
This is probably my 4 year old's 5th trip to San Fran and he loves the city. We always eat at the same places which is why I'm asking for new suggestions.