R.I.P. Rowland S. Howard

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by KJB, Dec 31, 2009.

  1. KJB

    KJB Comment King

    Can't believe no one here has posted this, but Rowland Howard of the Birthday Party died yesterday. One of the coolest, most innovative players ever - he'll be missed. Check this out:
  2. Paulkaiju

    Paulkaiju Mini Boss

    Oh shit!!!!!!
    I just watched Birthday Party live at the Roxy old vid I had because I was feeling nostalgic.

    I'm really surprised he made it this far, but what a bummer. I loved his guitar playing.
  3. August

    August Toy Prince

  4. abelincolnjr

    abelincolnjr S7 Royalty

    Definitely the first "celebrity" passing that even registered this year for me. He was a true icon. I dont think anyone posted it because "old school" is like 1993 to most of the kids on here... lol. JK, havent flexed the "old punker" muscle in awhile so had to take a shot.
  5. m3kcomp

    m3kcomp Side Dealer

    if there was ever any chance of a BP reunion it just ended. Not that they would have ever done it without Pew, but this blows.

    a guitar genius.
  6. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    Afraid I wasn't so into the Birthday Party myself,
    but I liked Nikki Sudden a lot.
    With both Nikki & his brother, drummer Epic Soundtracks, already gone,
    hearing of their friend's passing has made me feel sad for many reasons.

    Rowland play's slide guitar on this track:
    "Death Is Hanging Over Me".

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