Prometheus trailer

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by lurker, Dec 23, 2011.

  1. Mike Like Bike

    Mike Like Bike Comment King

    Very few movies are shot in 65mm/70mm format anymore, so it's hard to find a movie showing in IMAX that was shot in a format suitable for the IMAX screen. I think the next movie coming out that was shot using 65mm is The Master. The new Dark Knight could have possibly been shot in 65mm partially.

    That sucks that the Buffalo area doesn't offer a good place for cinema. :cry:
  2. petitetoilonrouge

    petitetoilonrouge S7 Royalty

    Come on over to Hamilton Lixx. And we'll drive to Toronto to find a proper theater. :lol:
  3. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I do own a vehicle now!
  4. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    I hate 3d as well. I find it completely unnecessary. Anyway...I'm going tomorrow morning. Can't wait.

    If anyone sees it today and posts...please Post up a spoiler warning.
  5. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    I saw it I don't want to ruin it for anyone so i will wait until after
    the weekend to talk about it if we all agree to that
    should make for a more involved convo
  6. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed

    Saw it in IMAX 3D...awesome!
  7. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    Is it worth the extra $6
    Never been to an IMAX 3D movie before
  8. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    been reading a lot of mixed reviews on this movie. kinda bummed because i've really been looking forward to it.

    edit: just purchased tix to see it tonight IMAX 3D....!
  9. Kevlo9

    Kevlo9 Super Deformed

    For this movie...YES!
  10. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Just came back from seeing it. Not much of a spoiler but I'll broadcast it loud for people who have not seen it:


    Ok don't read any further if you don't want to be tainted, got it?

    The movie was not bad but I can't exactly call it good either. I was into it up until the emergency surgery to remove the you know what. After that it seemed to fast track into predictability. Some scenes like the geologist coming back after his face got melted to just randomly attack the crew? Yeah that really didn't fit. Visually good, had some good moments, but overall, come on yet another sinister android again programmed to infect a human?
  11. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    i liked it. felt like a horror sci-fi classical composition.
  12. EBIII

    EBIII Addicted

    I found it really entertaining, I want to see it again already but I'm not sure why? Couple things that seemed out of place to me but over all worth seeing. It's the first movie I saw in 3-D which was on accident but it was still enjoyable.
  13. Brad814

    Brad814 Toy Prince

    Prometheus WAS AWESOME! Cmon what's up with the bad reviews?!?! That movie kicked ass! SPOILER: It WAS TOO an ALIEN prequel! I kept reading it was NOT an Alien prequel... I don't get that... I heard there was NO Xenomorph. Umm, that was a Xenomorph at the end, and that movie kicked ass.
  14. Nate

    Nate Line of Credit

    I wouldn't say its a linear prequel to the original Alien film, but a story that happened before the events on the Nostromo, set in the same universe.

    All in all, Maddie and I really enjoyed it. We absolutely love Alien & Aliens, so we had to see this at a midnite screening on Friday.
  15. coma21

    coma21 Mini Boss

    OK I enjoyed it i wasn't floored or anything but I left feeling i got my moneys worth and i felt the subtext of the film was great and fit in very well with what the universe has created so all in all i was happy with the experience
  16. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    I really enjoyed it. IMAX makes a difference. but now there are too many questions.


    was the engineer in the beginning seeding human DNA on earth? Sacrificial?

    why did the engineers want to come back 2,000 years later and wipe us out with the spaceship of black goo death?

    Why did the survivor engineer kill David, Weyland the everyone else? hates humans?

    what did David say to him?

    Are the Xenomorphs weapons of mass distruction gone awry?

    found a good discussion going on here: ... ckstory/p1
  17. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    I think the engineers are just following up on experiments. I think creating and destroying is THEIR thing. Maybe it was all part of the plan to have one life form establish itself as a dominant life form and follow it up with an invasive species? The engineers just fancied themselves as the controllers of both groups. Too bad for them some of the black goo material was too unstable and the experiments went awry.

    That's my take on all of it...
  18. Lalo

    Lalo Mini Boss

    very mountains of madness-like in some parts.
  19. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

  20. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Just saw it. Pretty good for the most part. The ending seemed rushed.
    I didn't think "david" was evil...I saw him as trying to experiment to help Weyland live longer. He planted that stuff to see what would happen per someone else's order. If he was truly evil he would have killed Shaw later.
    Things I loved: It seemed grand in scope. I really liked the first 1 hour. Opening scene was great.

    Some things I hated:
    I absolutely hated when that guy tried to pet that 'worm' thing. I thought that was really bad writing. They were scared shitless and then he tries to befriend that thing? Cmon.

    The fight between the engineer and that giant squid thing. I thought that was really bad.
  21. nefasth

    nefasth Mini Boss

    I only go to movies once or twice a year, so don't give to much credits to my advice.
    Cinema is just not a form of entertainement that suits me very well, but this I had to watch.
    I did'nt know Giger was involved so for that part, I was pleased to see his art in big Imax 3D but the rest was just Joe-cool-one-liners-dialogues and Christian rubbish for me.
    The soundtrack could have been great, unfortunately it does not support the action very well.
    The rest of my family went to Madagascar 3. They had a great time.
  22. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Spoilers !

    I liked the film, and think there is a lot to digest and ponder. I think that there was definitely a bunch cut from the film that will later be added back in. I think once is whole again it will also make more sense. It would explain why some was so smooth and some parts choppy. In addition RS said this wasn't a direct prequel to the Alien universe but there should be 2 more sequels before we get there. So this movie should be taken like how Lucas made Ep1. In that case it would make sense that it doesn't fit. It we never see any more in this franchise I'm still happy with even seeing some of the history of the space jockey and their race. And personally I loved the film for what its worth. It would be unfair to say that every movie has to be mind blowing in order to be good. This film was good and at the very least eye candy. So as is Im happy. Not blown away ... just yet, but happy.

    But to try to make something out of it lets think about some of the details.

    We know this film is filled with Greek Mythology and Catholicism....yes there is plenty of Catholicism sadly. Its sort of like a mash up of the two or so I think. Its how I'm trying to intertwine the two is where I get lost.

    To connect the dots, we know the story of Prometheus and genesis right ? Lets go from there ..

    They are saying we came from the "Engineers" (Prometheus,god), he drank the black goo broke himself down and contaminated water which spawned mankind(created man from clay). So I'm taking this was earth this happened on and the beginning of time before the human race. ... genesis ?

    What I'm trying to figure out was the first character the only engineer to come to earth, but it couldn't. There had to be at least another. Another to show mankind, different civilizations technology and show man the consolation in the sky ... the gods, another god another engineer or....Jesus ? which would explain the connection to the first man/and the borg being named david in the movie. What if Jesus was the closest man to be an Engineer ? But that wouldn't make sense in the time line and different cultures and cave drawings......

    But It would also explain why the last time they tried to visit was 2000 years ago, right when Christ died. Maybe they were supposed to either stop that or where exterminated by their maker and never got to exterminate us, which was why he was happy to see us in the end and why he destroyed him and set forth back on his possible mission ?

    Then it shows 1 figure showing mankind a consolation, a god in the sky so to speak.

    The film also pushes faith, and what she chooses to believe.

    I'm getting lost in my own words as I'm just trying to figure this out on one viewing. I need to see this again.

    Like what lead to the creation of the first alien, which came from conception between a man and a women who couldn't bare children. That creature which survived its birth, is the one who attached to the engineer and created the first proto xenomorph

    What about this....The punishment for Prometheus was bound to a rock where an eagle was to feed on his liver each day. Could this be the explanation of the chest burster. The repetitiveness of the creature and how its created ?

    I need some help to organize my thoughts on all of this.
  23. EBIII

    EBIII Addicted

    One thing I have been thinking in reply to Rich is how the xenomorph was formed? Is it a mix of black goo, humans and engineers? It has no characters of any really? I just love the Alien design so I was wondering what created it? As for why they never went back to destroy humans i couldn't figure out either. I take it the goo destroyed the engineers before they could make it to earth, or they realized the goo should never be used to destory any life form? I really don't know but I did like the film. I want to see it again already.
  24. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Yeah I'm thinking something went wrong, and they couldn't make it back. Well it did actually, they hologram shows this. It seems that the black goo come to life in the presence of life and takes form of what ever it comes into contact with, but in an evil uncontrolled way. We never saw teh engineers come into direct contact with the black goo, just the creature once removed from the human. The black goo changed what looked like earth worms into arm breaking acid for blood creatures.Like the what we know now xenomorph came from worms. The Cobra proto face hugger. And I agree having that one guy want to pet the fucking this was stupid. Really, I mean hello for common sense.

    BUT, if you notice in one of the chambers there was a carving of an already established xenomorph. They showed it enough so they knew about this creature. Like it had happened before. Was this also in the room of 1000 urns ? Like they know what that stuff will do.

    But what about the grouping of them protecting that 1 room. We never see what was in that room, and why they protected it.

    I agree I also want to see it again, and probably will.
  25. EBIII

    EBIII Addicted

    True, never really thought about the worm foreshadowing. And yes, WHY would you try to touch some giant alien worm thing? (sigh)

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