My wife and I are both big fans of Quiltface Studios and his horror sci-fi movie posters. We have several: This one glows in the dark. Godzilla still needs to be framed unfortunately (like so many other prints) because of the odd size. I'd like to track down one of his Alien prints at some point as well.
This fantastic print/poster also resides on our walls. By "Friendprices" I believe there are still some copies of the second run available on his etsy. He also did a limited (like 4 copies) with a holofoil print for the mask, but I wasn't fast enough.
Present to myself, getting this poster framed. Original promo poster from the press kit sent to tv stations for the first run of Ultraman in the USA.
@Mark K wow, thats absolutely beautiful. Ive drooled over this one in photos of Mark Nagatas ultraman wall. Can I ask if you found this state side? Ive got a few interesting posters ill post later.
Yes. I got it from a stateside collector. I traded big for it but it is something I always wanted. I remember it being used in the local TV guide when I was a kid.
Here are a couple I got framed recently. Original Kamen rider V3 vs Destron on the left and Toei reproduction of a Rider 1 release on right Original Return of Ultraman poster
Not sure if anyone is already familiar with Westgate Gallery but they just announced a 50% off summer sale on all posters. They specialize in vintage Horror, XXX and Cult stuff. I highly recommended checking them out if you are looking to up your poster game or just want to browse the fantastic collection they have! (I just spent an hour digging through and had to hold myself back from the Japanese 'Escape from New York' poster)
Pre-orders for Kikupunk's new Yokai art print poster available now.
'Topo Gigio and the Missile War'. Italian character ... Japanese/Italian film ... Argentinian poster. 29" x 43" Vintage 1967 ... got it for £15 on ebay which is a bargain, its still very vibrant after all these years!
I have a copy of this but this one looks updated for some reason, That Gojira!! I want a copy of that one!