Possibly planning a trip to Canada this summer, but don't quite know where to go or where to start. We are the type of people that don't want to lounge around by the pool and like to see the sites, be it touristy and not so much. We visit museums all the time, enjoy architecture and natural wonders (soft pop rock and long walks on the beach)... You get the idea. Have been thinking about Montreal and Quebec City, as these two locations seem to offer the most as to what we enjoy. Plus a rich history and a vibrant city. This being said, and having never been to Canada, what would you fellas' and ladies suggest? We plan to be there for at least a week, maybe slightly longer. Help us build a tour!!!
The comedy museum in Montreal was really cool last time I went there. If you have more flexibility, Montreal hosts a comedy festival and a jazz festival. I'm not sure when, but I am assuming they are around summertime.
In all seriousness, it has been almost a daily matter for a couple of weeks but that should not affect tourism that much. As I think of it, no effects at all on soft pop rock and long walks on the beach
I rented a car and drove from southern Connecticut to Quebec City in October 2012 (8 hours). I've never been to Montreal but Quebec City was nice and clean so that's where I would recommend. We stayed in a nice condo built against the cliffs right below the Plains of Abraham (the back wall was the wall of the cliff). Saw the Samurai exhibit at the Museum of Civilization and went to the Montmorency Falls Park (Parc de la Chute-Montmorency).
^ I s'pose there is one or two things to see there, but Toronto isn't exactly a cultural Mecca. What did you have in mind roughly, and what kind of budget are you on? I should mention that the only people who think it is the greatest city in Canada are Torontonians; and if it were not for our big brother neighbour they would probably think the whole continent revolved around them. That is not to say it is not a nice place either, just don't think it is the pinnacle of our great nation or should be used as any kind of litmus test towards others areas of the country. Interestingly enough, after I wrote this, I just read this article from the CBC: Wealthy Toronto residents don't want neighbours with sub-million-dollar condos I must say, the responses to this "density creep" are actually quite good. This is also the city that supported Rob Ford through many - and I mean many - odd incidents.
I'll be up there for work for a week. Staying downtown. I'll be checking out SoleStop, Livestock, C-apsule, Sup Scripts (not 100% on name), Royal museum. anyone have a food destination? density creep... man. I got to visit Vancouver last year and loved the natural beauty. Was also blown away by the native tribes and their art.
Yeah, there is good eats there, but nothing very cheap unfotunately. Toronto is not for the light of wallet. Downtown I would recommend Seven Lives Tacos, if you happen to be passing through the market [and El Asador if you manage to get to Koreatown]. Really nice food, but the hours are touch and go (it is just open later if I remember correctly, and frequently closed). Lots of good Asian food to be had all over the city - sushi is pricey though - but in Chinatown and around Spadina you will find some excellent Viatnemese. There are some top notch hidden gems, like delicious schnitzel, but they are off the beaten track. Great Greek food too. And plenty of Persian and middleastern, along with all the other typical restuarants. Oh, and jerk chicken! It is a must from Mr. Jerk. Heck, come to think of it, being multicultural is one thing we excel at, and for that in Toronto, food will never really be a problem. I assume you will be on foot/subway for your visit, which gets you access to most of the important stuff anyways. No need to waste time on any tourist-y things there I would say. It is a business city, and the downtown is even worse. Evenings and weekends are basically a ghosttown, depending on where you are. I don't do much for shopping, so I don't know specific stores to recommend, but a walk down any of the main streets will bring you across plenty of options.
Just saw this! I only dtayed in To for about a month, but I loved my time there and I think the bad rep Torontonians get is totally unjustified. They were invariably super friendly with me. Plus, Toronto is the coty in the world with the highest proportion of inhabitants born out of country. It's diverse and respectful! Sonething Mtl could learn from...
My favourite spot in Toronto is the BMV book store on Bloor St (not too far from capsule). The firsst two floors of books cover everything, If you don't have it, there might still even be a copy of the mook floating around there in the design section on the ground floor. The third floor is a comic shop that has incredible prices on tons of amazing stuff (new and old). For great italian food: Terroni, 720 Queen St W Great record store: Sonic Boom - 215 Spadina Ave Small, great Sushi spot: Japango, 122 Elizabeth St For desert: Nova Era Bakery (portuguese, killer custard tarts: 'pasteis de nata') Also, heads up, Capsule is in fact two stores. One is sneakers only, they are around the corner from each other.
Yep, I sexond the BMV recommendation. Tons of great art books at rock bottom prices. And it's surrounded by a good dozen other bookshops, too.
Ugly exchange rate result in scrapping US vacations plan and taking the kids to TO for the first time I'm bringing with me these recommendations - especially looking forward the portuguese joint !
Amazing ramen place on Dundas. I forget the name though. But probably the only place outside Japan I've had good ramen! Dumpling house on Spadina somehow has mixed reviews but I've eaten there a number of times and it's always been excellent. Toronto will be great with the kids: ROM, Legoland, Aquarium...
I realised I completely forgot to mention Banh Mi Boys on Yonge. I am an absolute Banh Mi nut, and while I would generally love to go an an old fashioned mom and pop type place for homemade specials, if you are right downtown and looking for a cheap but delicious meal (which is something hard enough to come by), it honestly cannot be beat. Excellent sandwiches, even for a banh mi connoisseur like myself.
Haha, yeah, of course. It has been a few years since I was there, but I recall it being decent. Seems hard to mess up a sandwich that badly though. And I feel bad for leading you astray, if the quality was so poor. Sorry it didn't work out for you man. At least you didn't shell out loads of cash on a bad meal (that has happened also in Toronto).
^ Don't feel bad, that was last monday - I hadn't adjust to TO's finest yet Have you ever been to Hung Phat on St-Denis just by Jean-Talon ? We were surprised to realize downtown was so dirty. I now understand need they have to live on higher than 30' floor, people need to get away from the stench ! Saw so many vagrants, it's appaling. We even saw kids collecting by themselve twice - WTF ?! This city could be great, it's so pluricultural, but at the same time, self-centered, a curious paradox that renders most the center town souless. On the positive side, ROM's Pompeii expo was great (I think it's coming to town later this year...)