Hey all, I'm trying to understand the release time-line for the Jumosaurus, and the variants that existed. I understand Popy's first release was in 1978, with the foot stamped. I have also seen variants where there is no marking on the foot (Perhaps a sticker for later releases? This is just my guess). Curious if anyone experts can shed some light here! Variant with no marking on feet Variant with stamped foot
I don't know much about the variations but this site shows the sticker: https://www.shogunwarriors.org/p/jumbosaurus-godzilla.html?m=1
Ah, there are the photos of the stickers. That link also mentions at least 2 different mold variants, but didn't elaborate from there.
The first version would have a sticker across the foot with the manufacter information (often missing like yours), and the teeth are gold. The second version has the molded popy logo and manufacturer information on the foot and the teeth are white. Both had an instruction sticker on the tail that is often missing.