Hey...I don't know how it happened, but my Tado Circus Punk has some minor damage on the front canvas. A small stretch of thread has come off in a black area, thereby exposing white underneath. What would be the best way to color this area so that it blends in? I want to turn this small stretch of canvas from white to black. Thanks for any help.
Yeah, I was thinking about just using a black sharpie, but I wanted some more opinions. I also wrote Circus Punks Paul, but I haven't heard back from him.
Any pics ? How bog , how long ,etc... There is numerious fixs. But in order to help out the most be a descriptive as possible.
Michaels carrys microns...archival ink, black stays black...check it... http://www.gellyroll.com/products/pens/pigmamicron/pigmamicron.html