Please don't completely rip me a new one, but...

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by TiredChildren, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. Collin Shots

    Collin Shots Side Dealer

    I use tweezers to get my staples out of the header cards, it works great and it saves your finger instead trying to dig your nails underneath the staples. I have never saved a bag unless it's a bounty hunter figure.
  2. sidd

    sidd Fresh Meat

    I tried a staple remover, but I found the claw teeth put little marks on the header card. Plus, staples from Japan are smaller than our beefy US staples, so my puller is too big for the staple. So I get my friend to open them. She does it carefully by hand and is an expert now.

    Then we put post it notes inside the folded headers with the toy description. These then go in zip lock bags that are cataloged into plastic bins by group / type.

    The plastic bags are stored in my Circus Punks box.

    We think the tags and headers are their own kind of collection, separate from the toy. I would gladly purchase a piece without bags and headers to get something I love. I rarely trade or sell anything, so I would need the bag for that purpose.

    An occasional header is so cool I display it on the wall.

    After reading Living Deads post, I am going to get photo albums for them. That looks so cool. I have a post card collection from the various shows that I keep in a photo album, but never thought of it for tags and headers. Thanks, Living Dead!
  3. rhinomilk

    rhinomilk Vintage

    usually i use needle nose pliers.. but here's my current tool of choice. i have a strong preference for bag and header, but it's never been a dealbreaker

  4. kidclam

    kidclam Mini Boss

    just use a cutter and slightly bend the header so it won't come in contact with the blade.
  5. Joe

    Joe Die-Cast

    I use my trusty exacto knife.
    Bend the staples back, pop them out.
  6. Grizlli

    Grizlli S7 Royalty

    I just bend the staples prongs up with my nail and presto! Done, no tools or anything.
  7. leadster

    leadster Addicted

    Same here, xacto is the way to go - shit, does it make me super anal if I then put the staples back through the header and bend the prongs down again.
  8. backtrack

    backtrack S7 Royalty

    I think this thread just goes to prove how nerdy we really are.
    There are 2 pages and 31 (32 with mine) posts about how to remove staples.

    Anyway, I just grab a kitchen knife or what ever and pop the little buggers open.
    I prefer to have the header and bag, but as I mainly collect SB, the headers change alot, and I really like them.
    Real Head I don't much care about the headers.

    Not having a header will make me decide against buying something second hand.
  9. Anti Social Andy

    Anti Social Andy Die-Cast

    Like having numbers set on speed-dial to drop the word on Secret-B releases wasn't proof enough! :D

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