oh nice one. I see a titan in there. Was really in a deep microman sleep whenever those were released. Here's some more fun. Sunny Microman by eat balls, on Flickr
Brandon, I missed the vinyl Titans too. I got that one on ebay for $65 last year and I was happy to find it. That Sunny figure is great. The drawings in the included comic are really charming. Thanks Secret Space, I wanted to reply sooner, but not without at least posting one more picture Grabbed these from the sales list right on this very message board for $20 each!
Oh man. those are nice. Love the colors with the belts. Thanks to a member here i now have the titan set. A trade even. I'll post a pic soon.
Awesome on the Titans I still need most of those guys. They seemed so abundant for awhile then just vanished haha.
Microman and Henshin Cyborg vinyl... (please help with my Dokuroman collection!) Micronauts, Microman and Henshin Cyborg toys
Thanks! It's a Palisades black Time Traveler with a rubber skull head from a $1 skeleton toy found at Party City. The cape comes from the reissue Arden.
Thats really sick dude and that skull is a perfect fit! How did you get it to fit in there? Does it rotate or just glued in place?
The original head has a ball-joint neck so I cut the rubber skeleton head with an exacto-knife leaving a piece of the chest attached to the bottom of its neck. I cut and shaped it to match the right size, opened up the figure and swapped the heads. The skull head can rotate a little but it's not as smooth as the original plastic head (I think it could tear off the neck easy). I had three of these skeletons but now wish I had bought a dozen or more. If I do find more I will buy as many as I can. I have a picture somewhere of the original rubber skeleton standing next to a Microman, I'll try to post that and some other pictures this weekend. Let me know if you need some Microman or Micronauts, I've got a room full and I'm in N.H. too. I've been looking at the skull head from the Gargamel micro Dokuroman. I have some extra black ones coming and one may be sacrificed to see if it makes a good vinyl mask for a Microman, like the Henshin Cyborgs and Astro Mu toys.
Just poking around the messages and didn't see any pics of this Machine Saurer vinyl. Mine is missing the missiles that launch from the waist (they are in a box somewhere). *Marmit* (not Marusan) Machine Saurer with gashapon I've been taking some time off from collecting (spending) but I'm still around
Great figure! That's actually Marmit, though, not Marusan. I posted that badboy a while back about halfway down this page in the Marmit thread: http://skullbrain.org/bb/viewtopic.php? ... &start=175