Seriously, please stop all the pink stuff. I can't keep up. I'm still waiting on the Biskup/Bwana set... On that note, this rocks. I want a clear pink Damn, too.
Thumbs way up. Very cool. Somewhere between the ruby red clear and the snow. And can bounce off of the pink blopbus and others.
it took every bit of willpower to stop myself from posting an awesome picture of something clear & pink that really resembles a veiny, faceless & armless damnedron
In an odd way, pink is one of the most extreme hues when it comes to public taste. It's either in fashion in a big way as it was in the 50s and 80s, or people loathe it with a passion. In a perverse way, I think that the general loathing of all things pink is kinda why we like pink monster toys at this point. Sort of a subcultural zeitgeist thing if you will. Or maybe I'm over-analyzing LOL. Anyway, the Pharos looks great and I feel tortured not to have a clear pink Blobpus in my collection. Maybe one will show up here some day.