Panzer Ace updates: Video on pg 3

Discussion in 'Americans and Other Western Gaijin' started by Robert DeCastro, Aug 31, 2009.

  1. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    Re: Panzer Ace updates

    fucking awesome.
  2. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Re: Panzer Ace updates

    Robert, that shit is tight. Looks like you have another winner on your hands!
  3. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Re: Panzer Ace updates

    Thanks for the kind words fellas. I've said it before, I know it's my toy but even after holding the un-painted samples I was totally floored when I got the fully painted versions in my hands from the factory. Even the back looks better than the illustration I did,lol.


    I also wanted to point out that the pictures of the painted samples are NOT resin (my bad on that) but pre-production samples. This is how the actual toy will look but with the added "Skunkwerks" (my studio logo of a robot skull and crossbones) on the grey disk like part on the jump pack.
  4. cliff

    cliff Addicted

    Re: Panzer Ace updates

    Lookin gooood.
  5. dustin

    dustin Addicted

    Re: Panzer Ace updates

    You know, after all the commotion caused by that other robot toy with the crappy lip-thing, I just wanted to say how much I appreciate the thought that you put into your robots, Robert.

    It's obvious that you consider how the robot would function as machine while maintaining your own style. The attention to where and how the various components attach, the panel lines, and the rivets all work together to imply that if you removed the armor, there would be all kinds of machinery underneath that allow for motion/function. Plus, the giant fists are bad to the bone.

    It's also great that you post pics of the process for all of us to see and comment on. Much better than simply showing a finished product and seeing who wants to buy it.
  6. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Re: Panzer Ace updates

    When I was a small kid growing up in the Philippines like most folks money was tight. We where luckier than most because my dad worked for an airline company at the time so on rare occasions we get toys from the US, HK, and Japan. We grew up learning right away that sometimes when you want something you had to make it yourself. It was fun and allot of times we had more fun with the toys we make vs. the toys from the store.

    That has stayed with me to this day. When I decided to make a toy I knew it had to be something I would want for myself. I was sort of a sickly lil fella and my one memory of a comforting TV show during those times was Gigantor. He seemed like my only companion at night during rough times so I thought of making something that made me feel good in the same way, kinda. I'm not ashamed to say that I probably take longer than most people when I design my toys. This is because I literally play with the figure in my head as I draw. It's probably a good thing that I can't put all of the stuff Panzer Ace can do in my head into the actual toy or this thing will be a $500.00 item,LOL.

    Thank you for the kind and generous words, I don't think I'm really doing anything that other toy designers aren't doing to their own creations though. I imagine that other designers feel the same as I do in that these little creations of ours are like children to us. Although we want to accept all kinds of comments good and bad, it still feels like someone is calling one of your kids ugly names when a person chimes in for kicks and giggles. When people look at toys ( not just talking about mine) most folks naturally don't see what the person who created it goes through. The late nights at the drawing table. How your eyes feel like it wants to pop out after looking at soo many color chips trying to prepare pantone color guides. The head aches from the back and forth communication with a Chinese project manager trying to explain how to take juuust a smidgen more clay off the nose area of your robot. And the sheer sickening feeling of plopping down enough cash (in total) to keep you in that rust heap of a car for another year,,,for the second time! Having said that, I still have to say I wouldn't trade my bad days making toys for a good day in a regular office. :D
  7. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

  8. Prometheum5

    Prometheum5 Post Pimp

    Awesome pics, and the green hulking robo looks phenomenal!
  9. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Gotta admit, the MIGZ design does nothing for me. I think it dips a little too far for me into the "cute" end of the spectrum. Ultra Buster, however, kicks much ass (though the name could use some tweaking! :razz: ).

    Looking great, Robert!

    As for the comments about our designs being like our children, I'm not sure I feel the same way. I definitely put a LOT of myself into every design I make, but I definitely don't put any sort of importance on them where I couldn't simply walk away from them if they're rejected. I like criticism. Keeps me sharp. And on the other hand, I think "+1" and "kewl" one-word posts are anathema to any sort of critical discussion about...anything.

    I think people get a little too liberal sometimes when jerking each other off around here...

    If I like your shit, I'ma say so...and tell why. If I don't, I'll either leave it be because it's just not my thing, or I'll comment as to why I'm not feeling it.
  10. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    MIGZ is sorta like a lil Boss Borot with an atitude. I designed it cute like that for the comic book (which is going slow btw). In the book, the pilot (a female child prodigy) reworked a trainer into MIGZ. She's a serious lil gal, like a smart assed Spock. The running gag in the book is how the other pilots and techs have to tippy toe around and not notice the fact that her Mech is kinda cute and that the massively powerfull "Drill Bomb" (she pulls on the ring and out comes a bomb with a drill tip, she uses it as her finishing blow) looks like a baby pacifier or suffer her wrath. I don't expect it to appeal to everyone but it rounds out the variety in the line.

    What's wrong with "Ultra Buster"? :lol: ,,It was actually slated to be next after CRZ but with the higher cost of production we opted for PA.

    Right on. What I was trying to say was that our toys are our "lil babies". Like I had said, I'll take comments good and bad. It's the comments pretending to be constructive critisims is what's annoying

    That's all we can honestly ask for. Thanks Sanjeev. You,ve been a cool cat since day-1 and I respect your opinion.

    TOYMINATOR X Toy Prince

    These are Awesome Robert, the paint is fantastic and the sculpt is super tight.
    i like the new designs a lot too.
    Great work cantwait to get them in my collection

  12. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Heh...I know toys are why we're all doing this thing, but a comic book? Fuck yeah! I think having a little quality fiction adds SO much to a toy line, y'know? Like, that recent Outer Space Men graphic novel took a fantastic toy line and added a ton of depth to the characters. No, I don't need every single adventure the characters go on laid out for me (like with traditional ongoing comics), but a book or two to flesh them out would be nice. Anyway, that sounds hot, Robert.

    Aiight, so MIGZ is a girl. That's cool. Now, just a suggestion...but it might be cool to alter the design a little bit so that the robot is more apparently female. The reason I say that is because--believe it or not!--there are women who are into toys! ...And unfortunately, they're GROSSLY underrepresented in this hobby. A more serious, adult female character (and, no, not one who fulfills some sort of male fantasy like a badass fighter in spandex and heels!) would be cool, too.

    And I get what you're saying about jeering disguised as supposedly constructive criticism. I'm not into a good 80% of the toys people dig on this board, but I don't butt into the latest Secret Base thread to I FART A LOT about how much I hate the new Skull...Brain(?)...colorway. But I guess what I see around here is more of the opposite end of the spectrum. Instead of shitting on toys, I see people high-fiving every fucking thing that comes out without any thought whatsoever. I mean, I've seen shit that looks pre-fucking-cisely like every K1drobot toy every churned outta their damnable factory...and people just wait for the first "cool kid" to give it the thumbs up...and suddenly, it's ookie-cookie all over the fucking thing...

    Am I derailing your thread? :razz:
  13. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    MIGZ is actually the mech (not necessarily male of female looking), the PILOT is a girl. Having said that,,I do have you covered in the female looking robot department.

    In the spirit of Venus-A, Minerva-X, Dianan-A, and Aphrodai-A may I introduce for the first time in public.. the Tigerlilly



    This one is not slated for release anytime soon but I do really want to get it produced. Regarding the comic book, it might
    end up as a one shot graphic novel just to establish a good background story and history.
  14. Prometheum5

    Prometheum5 Post Pimp

    I like her alot... the sort of girly physique with the big power-mits is a fun combination, and really blends the fem-bot idea with your universe's robot aesthetic. I really need to stop talking and finally pick up a CR-Zero.
  15. Sanjeev

    Sanjeev Post Pimp

    Aiight, that Tigerlilly's cool!

    Yeah, I got that the pilot character for MIGZ is a girl--not the robot...but obviously, you know what I'm getting at.

    As for a one-shot GN, sounds great to me, man!
  16. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Hey all, just a quick update. Our Panzer Ace has hit US shores and is making it's way from a California dock to NC as we speak. It should be ready to go on sale in a couple of weeks. Thanks to all those patiently waiting for these. All your supportive emails are appreciated. :D

    TOYMINATOR X Toy Prince

    nc? MY HOUSE? awesome!!
    Greta job again pal, your bots just keep getting better and better
  18. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Thanks Klim! Yeah the big truck just dropped off our small army of Panzer Ace Monday. It's been crazy busy here the last few weeks so REAL sorry I havn't been around to hang out. Anyhoo we and our web guy sorta got things ahead of schedule. Basically all the buttons on the Panzer Ace page went active a lil early. No sweat though official date IS July 1st but we're ready, so if anyone is interested in getting an order in early may place an order now. :D
  19. six7777

    six7777 Addicted

    awesome :mrgreen:
  20. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Hi Guys, Just wanted to let folks know about our new Flat Rate shipping.
    $5.00 get any size order shipped within the Cont US via UPS ground to your door. International collectors don't feel left out. We also have a significantly reduced shipping rate for you. It's not like our $5.00 FR but it's substantial. Please do check it out.

    I'm sorry I haven't been posting much but things are REALLY busy here with my other job. I'm also working on a new sculpt for a toy I think you guys will dig,,, well I hope so at least.

    We're kind of pulling away from our robot projects temporarily and I'm venturing out to satisfy my other passion which is Zombie flicks and melding that with my love of vinyl. Can't elaborate further than that but will update as it gets closer to production.
  21. philreed

    philreed Fresh Meat

    My Panzer Ace arrived and looks great. I'm going to get a review online soon, but for now here's one of the pics I shot of him. He goes well with the two Combat-R Zero toys I've already got. And he's a lot bulkier in person than I expected.

  22. philreed

    philreed Fresh Meat

    For those who care (or just want to see more pics) I've got my review up now:

    Summary: Buy this guy to get a cool toy and to support someone's work.
  23. Robert DeCastro

    Robert DeCastro Side Dealer

    Thanks for the post Phil, most apprecieated! Please do take advantage of our new flat rate shipping (domestic) and our significantly reduced international rates. OK end of commercial, I hope everyone had a great turkey/tofu day! :D

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