Sometimes it's those little extras that make all the difference. Here's a few to get us started: Bitty Booska, from the Kaijyuken biggie. A wee jizou, bagged with Buta's Enmago. Good ol' baby Gorgos, originally packed with his M1Go mama. Zarab in flight, complete with his science briefcase. Buta, as ever. Poor little Pigmon, seen here divorced from a Marmit Red King. Mo' Buta: Hayabusa's vacuum and Grandpa Chibull's toy rum-rum car. Otus' ray-gun and communicator pack. From the good people at Owl. Now let's see what you've got!
Im so happy I have that little kaiju ken booska. Its one of my favorite toys. I love how crappily the red mouth is done.
Cool idea D! I got this stuff too... Then there's this hut being terrorized by the wrong monster... An unmarked glowie sofubi building... This creepy guy... And this angry dude, whose top half comes off so it can sit in the Demon head! Spoiler
Yay, some activity here! Fun shares guys, thanks. I was wondering to myself if the first post after mine was going to be HxS or PK, ha! Brutality wins.
I've been looking for this for 9 years now. It's a mini version of the Mummy Man from Ultraman. EDIT: Wait I think the Bandai version of the mini is what I was looking for. Actually now I'm looking for this one. Comes in a Dodongo set? I just want this mini lol.
The manga version of him, no less! From the good people at Art Storm. I've seen the set (with that completely nutso Dodongo) pop on on Mandrake quite a few times in the past few years, but never the Mummy on his own. G'luck, Chris!
Is there a Bandai figure version of the Mummy? I thought he only existed in kits. Spoiler Edit: ^^^ Is this the Bandai? Looks great! My Fewture/Artstorm one came with the much larger (and quite beautiful) Dodongo, which I have yet to photograph I do love this omake version, but the kit I've seen is gorgeous (I'll edit this if I find a pic).
Here is Akatsuki, the submarine in "Terror of Mechagodzilla" that comes with a deliciously pink Titano from the Para Baby line~
Best of both worlds Spoiler Will work on rounding up some Hellmocks for a group pic... Great thread idea btw!
I've mentioned this in the past year a few times, but the Mummy was always a toy I lusted after and could never get over my heartbreak (or understand) why Bandai never did a version of him in the standard line. Dodongo demands a duo dammit! Especially since they did [nearly] every other Ultra kaiju guy from all of the series' until now. As far as I know, I think they still have only release smaller/mini versions of the character. I think that one you snagged a picture of is the gashapon/HG release, but if i am wrong and they have since issues one, then I really need to get on my searching/
Thank you! Took this one a while back, and figured it fit the theme a tiny bit. That belongs to Gomilla! One of Sinbad's many unloved sculpts. I've got three of the suckers... Oughta take a picture of them soon.
Moog who makes those weird robotic bird omakes? I like them. I was going to post but my camera takes awful indoor macro shots these day and all the shots were blurry. I have no cool omake really except maybe that GID mini car that came with GID Maza, and the mini glow Ecchi plover gave me.
Gomilla! Right! I knew immediately who that house belonged to, but I can never remember the name of that toy. Hunted around for a while the other day. All I could think was, "that crazy doghouse Namegon," ha, which is hardly a search aid. Spoiler The one you attacked with marker?
Lixx, those little robobirds came with the Maize Spaceman: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=41819 Loving this thread! But yeah, you sort of have to have a decent camera to snap some proper pics of the little bits 'n bobs. Which, alas, I do not.
^Ha! You just beat me to the ID! Couldn't remember the maker right away - Majestic Corn? Golden Harvest? Found it in my fool head, finally, and was just searching for a decent pic of the little space boy when you posted. My mind is shot! Sidebar: I miss Onion!
Right that one, I absolutely hate unpainted kaiju for some reason. Kim attacked it not me: Made to go with the bigger one: Actually here is the best I can do on the omake car: :