I wish. These are Livenation events at the wiltern an palladium and we couldn't even get a shot at tix
I saw one of the NYC shows at Terminal 5 and it was AWESOME! I didn't even think about how I was going to be in LA at the time they were playing these shows or I would have tried to get tickets to these as well.
I was bidding on a ticket on ebay, which I lost. One ticket went for $370. Wow! I guess it's a small price to pay for true love.
BobbyD made it out to see the last show last night. A cool fan sold me a ticket for $120. I even got on the floor. They played for 3 and a half hours. Played just about all the hits. Good Bye NIN! Hope you made it out to one of the shows, Carl!
Congrats Bob! You deserve it. I am not as a big a fan of you. My favorite album was and is Pretty Hate Machine. Never forget that first London show at the (now gone) Astoria where they destroyed everything in sight on stage and people were leaving with chunks of equipment. Trent was pouring various liquids into euipment which made a fizzy pop noise, was promotly unplugged and thrown into the crowd. Best part was when that Filter dude (Chris Patrick) was stood staring out over the seething audience. Unbeknown st to him Trent was running from thw side of stage in a big circle gathering momentum until he hits him HARD in teh small of the back. Patrick flies with his head, arms and legs behind him like a rag doll. Guitar unplugs instantly as he crosses teh small photo pit and disappears guitar and all into the undulating mosh zone. No wonder he quit. The keyboard player was using one arm as his other was in a sling from an earlier Reznor incident. The drummer was luckilly in a cage and spared a Reznor induced hospital visit. Amazing show.
$120?! I've seen NIN a bunch of times and never paid over $60. I sure it was a kick ass show and I hope u enjoyed it!