i like the colors on both of those more than the previous ones. the gomora looks really great on the flesh base, and i think the gorba just looks better to me cos the scarf is painted.
It's more of winged lion then a griffin (because of it's lack of an eagle head.) I know on buta's blog it says griffin though. He did a great job on the paint application but I sound like a broken record we need a buta no hana zazahn.
I presume Latitude Zero. Not really a griffon, per se...but a lion cross-whatevered with a condor...by Cesar Romero!
Hmm... I like the figure a lot (was really excited when I saw the unpainted in the Thrashout Show Pics) but I'm much less sure about the colors. Tints are tints but that looks like Transparent Monster Color(???) I've seen - and own - some nice MC painted toys but the transparent rainbow stuff always strikes me as off (at least in what I've seen - MT in particular). Application or materials - I don't know - but something seems odd about this one to me.
This is the one that is going to make me dive into Butas. Absolutely love it. Now I'm going to track down a Woo and Eleking.
I may be off base but it seems this Dempagon somehow related to that early Buta spaceman? Pretty weird collaboration if so but it kind of works. http://www.sofvi.com/blog/2010/07/longneck-2010.html
I think it is because it's close but it's not definitely not a collaboration. Pretty much all of the dempagons that have been released are tributes...(frankenrouge, batman/joker, smogun, doraemon, ikaruge, panda etc)
Man! This Griffin thing is kooky, weird, crude. LOVE IT! Thought Buta's timing is just perfect, for me at least. There's a lull of a month of two and then a few releases all at once. Just nice to build up my funds.
How does one go about getting one these? I've looked at their website, but I'm not sure if it is possible to an international order. Am I wrong?
no international orders unfortunately, super7 and grumble toy get most releases so they would be your best bet