Two new versions of Calli: The Barcelona version ($150) and the Golden Angel Dust version ($100) will be avaliable July 6th and June 17th at floopdoodle New Jeremy Fish
The top one is incredible! I have the original, one day my dog snatched it an gnawed on the foot! but it still looks good, just the left foot looks like a lawnmower ran over it!
Biskups are cool. I still like the black/silver best of allllllllll. Lucky for me I don't have to sweat these cuz I will be out of the country when both of these go up. Whew!!! Won't have to exercise the old will-power.
wish it had no sparkles... but still cool. if i get these, i'm going to be regretting getting rid of my yellow. got to get my clicking fingers ready.
Damn, that Golden Angel Dust one is nice. Despite the fairly high production run (350), I am already starting to worry about missing out because of flippers.
I wouldn't worry about flippers. The yellow calli burned most of them so they will probably stay away.
I don't have a Cali in my Biskup collection and the sparkles and blue one above looks very nice. I might try to grab one. This the normal 12 noon release time Knewnan?
Hmmm. I've never liked the Cali figure, but the Angel Dust one is alluring. It might end up in my house.
So which is which? I imagine "golden dust" refers to the sparkly one, right? It is beautiful. I've had Biskup in the back of my mind for a while now, but haven't given much thought to picking up any pieces, since the quest for NWOSVK has been so fulfilling - but that is incredible stuff up there. Haven't bought any American vinyl for almost a year now - I need more Biskup, his stuff looks more at home with JP vinyl then any other American toys. It's funny, I catch myself looking at Biskup on ebay and think, "geez, that GID Helper rules but it's so pricey", and then spend a chunk on an orange Skull Kun DX (sent the ship notice to celga today). Ridiculous double standard. Yep, gonna have to adjust that attitude. Rhinomilk - you don't like the sparkle?! Sparkles make everything better, it's a known scientific fact. Some old school vintage glitter is going to make an appearance in a rit-dye custom skullbrain I'ma gonna do one of these days. And that Camper turtle is funny - not gonna get it, but it's funny.
I thought the green one was sweet when I first saw it, but the blue and clear glitter just rocks. I hope I can get ahold of one of these.
I've always had something against glitter in general... I freak out when it gets on my hands and I have to wash it all off. I also have a problem with balloons. has anyone had problems w/ oxidation w/ the silver calli? I'm going to get the turtle camper. I'm pissed I slept on this hat, I thought it was so cool when I first saw it:
Great hat for sure! Oxidation on the Calli? Kind of like what's happened with some of the gold Dero's?
I am suprised, I thought people would be more into the Fish figure. I don't like the green and gold Calli but the blue one is fantastic.
well I just think his first toy was pretty bad too!!!! I can't believe anyone made them but I am sure some people are into them!!!!!!!!
I can see why people wouldn't get figure... it's sorta different. but i'm surprised some of you don't get a kick out of the image. I thought it was hilarious when i first saw the bunnyvan and turtle camper. personally, i dig it.
I will pay $150 shipped to anyone willing to pick me up an Angel Dust Calli at the opening on June 17th. I realize that's not much of a profit, but it should cover the cost of entry into the museum for a couple people. I think the turtle would be better with just the skull for a shell.
I like the fish toy but not enough to buy it. I just think is so different than most of the other stuff strangeco puts out I do think it works better as a 2d design on a t-shirt. GB - I really don't think you need to worry about the calli, people were up in arms about the yellow calli too. I think I am the only person who paid over retail for the yellow calli. If I am down there, which I am going to try to be, I will grab you one.