So my gf and I have come to the conclusion that after 2 solid and awesome vacations, we are ready to make San Fran our home. At this point its in the early stages but was wondering if anyone had any suggestions of looking for work out by you guys while we are still on the east coast. not really asking for someone to give us a job, just if anyone knew of some place online or some type of recruiter in the area to talk to or where to specifically look. thanks guys Mike
I graduated with a bfa in Graphic design, but wouldnt mind get any type of job dealing with the arts. My gf has a bfa in art history but is looking to work in a bread or pastry shop(mainly want to work at tartine). Just trying to figure out what we are looking for before we get out there.
Jobs are a little hard to come by these days. I myself will be looking for one at the end of the month. But on the positive side there is lots of tech jobs. Facebook, google, zanga. Plus your moving to the bay area. You will love it!. I have been here for 12 years now and cant imagine living anywhere else. Culturally California its really different than NY. Not to talk shit but Californians are kind flaky and love to blow smoke up your arse. If you keep that in mind you will do just fine here. Good luck on the job hunt
man, the world is crazy. i was just about to make a similar post to this. my soon to be wife and i are thinking about moving that way as well. any insight on average apartment rent prices?
Kind of a bad time to find an apt. in SF right now. The average price for a one bedroom is about $1,900 and only going up. But also, it depends on the neighborhood you move into. That's the price for an apt in the Mission, I'm sure if you look through craigslist you can get an idea of other parts of the city.
thanks- i was thinking of making an SF vs Oakland thread, i havent spent a lot of time in oakland but i thought it was nice. who knows! thanks for the information for the time being- any other neat neighborhoods i should look into?
Cheeper areas: Sunset: Near the beach. Kinda foggy Bayview: Kinda hoodish ingleside: Kinda out of the way Daly City. Its not SF prices and you dont have to cross a bridge Joe is right, rents are really high right now. I was thinking of moving but couldn't find a cheeper place, and my GF does leasing
yes guys, really thanks for all the insight. lots of great ideas too. we are going to keep looking for sure, just one step closer.
Kinda depends on what you are looking for. If you want a bit of suburbia, the Sunset or Richmond (the SF district and not the city). There are parts of Bayview/Dogpatch/Potrero Hill that can be very dicey...but the inverse is also true where, some of those areas are not too bad. I live right at the edge of the Western Edition/Cathedral Heights where it looks pretty safe. Yeah...looks can be deceiving. In the past couple of years, my area has seen gun shots, police blocking areas, and my car broken into at least once a year since I've gotten it (almost 9 years ago)...but even with all that, I like where I'm at. Every city has it's charm but it's up to you to feel whether you want to be in that city. I have friends in Oakland that love it there. Here's a map...and if that doesn't make sense, just google san francisco district map.
yeah, rents here are the highest in the country. I like the East Bay and would live in Berkeley or maybe Montclair but the problem with the east bay is that it seems like a world away from the city. if i was going to rent in SF, I would like at the Inner Sunset. near 9th and Irving or the Mission.
Inner Richmond isn't too bad either, and if you don't mind foggy weather, outer Richmond for even lower rents. Also FWIW the Richmond and Sunset districts are inexpensive food paradises.
I was just going to post the same thing. I love the Inner Sunset--so many fun and reasonably priced things to do. I'd say the same for Japantown.
We actually stayed in japan town last visit and a good friend of mine was living in the sunset district when we were visiting just off of Golden gate park. I loved it over there.
Nice alternative is Daly City. Everyone who lives in the city hates on DC tho. I love it! Its actually faster for me to get downtown than folks out in the sunset or richmond. I dont have to cross any bridges to get to the city. Rents are cheeper than SF. Hardly any hippsters! The downside is: Not as many great places to eat. Can't really walk to anything fun. It can be kinda hoodish. I didnt tell you guys but I had Homeland Security raid the house across the street from me last week at 4am. Full on flash bang grenades and assault rifles, and 20+ officers. I guess the guy across the street from me was caught up in some gang shit and was wanted for 8 murders in the last 2 years. Kinda scary because I hated this guy and his family and wanted to beat the crap out of them. Glade I didn't heres a link ... ot-guilty/
You might consider the Excelsior area of SF (gets overlooked and confused with the Mission district) ... california It's near the mission and has good sun. Some parts of the Excelsior are very sleepy and quiet, other parts (towards the Mission district) are a bit more active, and yet other parts of the Excelsior are a bit dodgy. It's sort of like Daly City, except with more sun. McLaren Park is ok during the day--great views of the city. Just don't go into the park at night! Good luck!
Its not that bad. I have lived in the sunset and the fog is the same as DC or worse. All the cheeper areas on SF are foggy, thats why they are cheeper ... -want-live You could also throw down almost half a million for what is basically a small one bedroom apartment and live across the street from me: Over the weekend I saw a short old dude w/ a skullet getting out of a corvette to check out those condos.
I live in Marin, and we barely get fog. It can be 80 here and 60 in SF. I would live in SF but having kids that is not a option. I pay $2300 for a 3 bedroom house. A commuter bus is 2 blocks a way with wifi, and comfy seats. But main thing is a job. I worked as a Graphic designer at a big internet company and still had a hard time to get a job after I got laid off. But i gave up and started doing freelance and art to pay my rent. I turned down one job in silicon valley as my commute would have been 2hours each way. So find a job and move closer to that direction.
San Bruno is just south of SF. great town. Alex, only hippies, rich people or rich hippies live in Marin.