Need More Info...

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by daughtersfan18, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. daughtersfan18

    daughtersfan18 Toy Prince

    Saw this on
  2. kontact

    kontact Line of Credit

    Ghost n' Goblins, sick.
  3. datadub

    datadub S7 Royalty

    on sale at wonfes today - 2 colorways...

  4. cometdebris

    cometdebris Addicted

    Actually, those come unpainted in grey vinyl. You have to paint them yourself.
  5. datadub

    datadub S7 Royalty

    doh! my brain still hurts from overload today...
  6. straightoutta..LOKASH

    straightoutta..LOKASH Side Dealer

    How much?I want a set, if anyone is going back to the fest and theyre not sold out,LMK.
  7. daughtersfan18

    daughtersfan18 Toy Prince

    how big are these things?
  8. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    I love these, but they don't come painted?

    Do you get the big guy and the little knight in a box?

    How much $?

    How big are they?

    Do I need to ask any more questions? No, probably not.

    When I found out these were from ghosts and goblins this morning I started looking up the game, I found out you can get a plug and play version of it, I'm going to go get it right now.
  9. cometdebris

    cometdebris Addicted

    Theese figures stand a bit shorter than Gargamel Fight figures. They come as a set of 2 inside a cool box whch was designed to look like the original game box. They are made in grey unpainted vinyl. Because they were licensed by Capcom, these were only available at Wonder Festival. Sold out.
  10. Count

    Count Post Pimp

    Thanks for the info.

    I love these, it's too bad it sounds like there wont be many around.
  11. pigeonfarmboy

    pigeonfarmboy Toy Prince

    Just thought I'd share there is one on ebay right now. I want it, but I think I'll pass.

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