We are going to be in town over the holiday weekend. Anything super fun going on that we should know about?
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974) Drive-In Style! 1032 s.main st, dwntwn la, @ olympic. Sep.6th, FREE, 9pm. Franks & Popcorn!
That's cool. Are you going? We'll be at Disneyland probably until after 9pm, unfortunately. Do you like how so far this thread is like "tell us what's going on, even though we already have plans" ? We should be free on Friday Night & so far on Monday.
I actually live by Magic Mountain. I'm going over to a friend's house to watch the game. Let me know if you'd like to stop by before or after Magic Mountain. I'll give you a tour of the Hydro Office.
was just there wednesday. got really lucky and the weather wasnt too bad. make sure you ride X2, terminator and goliath.