
Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by TroyStith, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. TroyStith

    TroyStith Toy Prince

    Jun 10, 2010
    Columbus, OH
    The Miscreants started off as doodles:











    Then I decided I wanted to bring them to life, so the first plaque "Loopalitus" was born:




    From there, the story behind these beasts came about:

    Some people have called them germs, while that may be true for some of these creatures, others are far worse than any disease could ever hope to be. The Miscreants are the grubby, evil, and sometimes mindless microscopic mutants lurking on everything and everyone we see or touch. Although we can't see them, it doesn't make them any less real. They're in the food we eat, on our pets, passed along with a handshake or a sneeze. No two Miscreants are alike and each one has it's own 'charm' to share with the world. Whether you want them to share with you is another story.

    I decided to give "Loopalitus" away in a twitter contest, plus move forward to bring more of these creatures to life in a one off plaque series that will be in my shop soon:



    Born in the runoff puddles of the Makanari Ink plant, Kronstosis finally escaped on the wheel of a delivery truck heading out on it's daily runs. Krontosis causes it's hosts to change colors randomly and in extreme cases, some have reported vomiting rainbows. There's nothing cute about this technicolor nightmare.



    Deep in the heart of the Maggler Jungle, Ferndred spends it's time clinging to mossy trees waiting for a new home to pass by. That lucky host not only gets to enjoy the jungle Ferndred lives in, they'll get to take it home with them as well. The most common symptom is moss like rashes that tend to spread quickly and actually attract bugs and wildlife to the host. The moss produces a honey like sap turning the host into a buffet for an assortment of critters. Other effects of Ferndred are: leaf development in the nasal cavities that results in endless sneezing fits, fingernails and toenails turning into bark, and the ever dreadful "rooting" that can occur while the host makes a bowel movement. Tread lightly in the Maggler Jungle.

    Here's a teaser for the next Miscreant I'll be doing a full reveal of tomorrow:


    There are 4 plaques in the first series, plus I'm kicking around the idea of doing a small run of resin toys later down the road.

    Thanks for looking :)
  2. TroyStith

    TroyStith Toy Prince

    Jun 10, 2010
    Columbus, OH
    The next reveal is Loafler


    Loafler makes it's home in kitchens everywhere. Mostly clinging to bread, which is where it's name is derived from. Loafler symptoms start with extreme sluggishness and a never-ending appetite. Most hosts have been found dead with food still in their mouth, consuming until their stomach bursts. Another effect causes the host's skin to cling and meld with items that they stay in contact with for too long. The objects become apart of the host, leaving them mutilated or trapped in place. Be careful next time you decide to make yourself a midnight snack.

    Also, here's the last teaser for the series :)


    The Miscreant plaques will go up for sale on Monday, August 16th at 12pm (EST) http://gorillamouth.bigcartel.com
  3. animator

    animator Mr. Freshly Smacked Ass Staff Member

    Dec 15, 2008
    These are really fun, I like how organic they are but with bright/intense colors. I'd almost like to see them displayed in jars, or freestanding like they're growing on your wall, rather than on plaques. How big are they?
  4. TroyStith

    TroyStith Toy Prince

    Jun 10, 2010
    Columbus, OH
    Thanks! I had actually thought about exploring putting them in jars and such, I'll probably try it out soon.

    Kronstosis and Loafler are on 3" x 5" plaques. Ferndred is on a 5" plaque.
  5. TroyStith

    TroyStith Toy Prince

    Jun 10, 2010
    Columbus, OH
    In case you didn't catch it on the blogs yesterday. The last Miscreant is Typhlozar


    Found in the medical waste bins of plastic surgery hospitals across the land, Typhlozar argues with itself as it waits for it's next unfortunate victim. All of the nasty unwanted bits that people get trimmed, sucked, and ripped from themselves make up this brooding beast. The unlucky soul this creature casts it's blind eye on will never be the same. Typhlozar strikes quickly and relentlessly. Causing the host's limbs to grow in proportion and sprout hideous pus filled bumps. The trademark sign of infection is that one of the host's eyes pops out of it's socket without warning. Turning beauties to beasts in mere hours. With Typhlozar on the loose, it might be a good idea to stay how you are.

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