Cool new Suffer album, they worship at the operating table of Carcass but are damn good in their own right. Thought I should make post 666 a metal one!
I got notification that my password here was compromised so I hadda login. Maybe should you all look into it * I kinda forgot that I was in the Metal thread and it seems we can't delete posts any more - rock on!
I just discovered these guys recently and this tune is a weird hybrid of metal, gogo and hip hop.. I’m loving it. I’m intrigued to see what else they release.
Damn. Really good record. Always been impressed by these guys, but this shit is unreal. Worth a listen with zero distractions.
Seeing Vomit Forth in two weeks with Dying Fetus and The Black Dahlia Murder. Their new album just dropped and it’s great.
The new Veilburner might be my album of the year , it's free on BC too