Merry Xmas! Hope you're spending good time with peoples or Santa brought you something good. Very low key at my place. My kid crocheted a new hat for me. I gave her some new tea making supplies and made pancakes.
Merry Christmas! Grateful to have been welcomed in this year, and looking forward to meeting skull brainers in person at Five Points (and beyond) in 2024!
It was a fairly quiet one at home for myself as well, but was glad for the break from work at least (even if it is just two days). Wishing a very Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and all the best wishes for the whole season to everyone out there, no matter who you are. I am thankful I still have this place to come back to, and have met some really good people through it's virtual connections. Much love to all my SB friends and acquaintances, may you have time for celebration, food, family, friends, and joy.
MERRY CHRISTMAS, skullbrain, WHEREVER YOU ARE!! Our Garamon cookies for 2023: Hope everyone had an enjoyable, peaceful, restful day!
These absolutely melted me when I first spied them, and I am still blown away. I am [only almost] glad I am not at your place, M, as I would be so torn as to whether to scrumption these all up in a tasty fury or try and display them next to some Gary toys. Thankfully, this is why you make a big batch of Xmas cookies!
Wanted to take this opportunity to wish everyone out there in Skullbrain land, friends and strangers alike, a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and all the very best wishes for the season. May it be filled with pleasant times, good memories, and excellent food and drink shared with loved ones, family, and friends. Wherever you are in the world, and whatever situation you might find yourself in, I hope that this day brings you some happiness and joy. And may the new year be an excellent one, where you experience the wonder and joy and feel like a kid every day. It was a topsy turvy year for me, and the state of many things (including this hobby) makes me evaluate things in a new light and continue to appreciate immensely the wonderful friends and knowledge I have shared with from our little circle of misfits. Thank you very much to the whole community who keeps this place special. Many best wishes to all.
Yup, just had a nice family dinner and card game with the old folks. Feeling fairly festive. Merry Christmas you bunch of nerds