yellowspiral toys did it again. OG pumpkin. Does anyone know this seller? I would love to find out there source. I think Kozik will get this one, but maybe brian will sweet talk a trade. IR
I have 38 SB pieces...the mosr I have paid for a piece was 80 bucks. my rule is I'll only go 100.00 or so any more is just silly.
silly kozik is right. I think 100 is the top limit. They will keep making cool toys and you can spend the dough on them IR
Kozik said: "I have 38 SB pieces...the mosr I have paid for a piece was 80 bucks. my rule is I'll only go 100.00 or so any more is just silly." So Frank it looks like you have been bidding on the Pumpkinhead. what happened to your rule????????????
Hey VGA do you still have your pumpkin head? I remember you posting a pic of yours a long time ago. man that thing is so cool!
yeah I got some extra cash so im bidding it up. im sure I wont get it but the winner will pay a heavy price!
Ive bought from yellowspiraltoys before and its a girl named Kim-shes definitely good people and always comes thru-I emailed her about getting some specific stuff and she took the time to email me and send a handwritten letter w/my order--basically what im saying is shes top notch and ill buy from her anytime!!very good experience
I have seen many things that I would have liked to go for from Yellow Spiral, but part of her small print states you must have a Paypal verified shipping addres to bid. According to Paypal only US and SOME UK residents are able to do this. I often mean to email her and scope it out, but never think of it.
I have just been emailing her about international orders and such and she seems very cool. Will be buying from her soon no doubt!!