I was thinking about doing a small run of these if there was enough interest. A different color way obviously.
Re: LASK Support Black on red . . .check. White on black . . . check. Black on white . . . WTF! When did these drop dude?
Re: LASK Support I may be old but at least I don't walk around looking like a giant Halloween Jack-O-Lantern. And I still say purple since all the wishy-washies don't have an opinion anyway.
Re: LASK Support Royal blue. Or maybe a green? That laker nerd will flip if you make a green one though
Re: LASK Support Go for the white on black . . . just throw an XL grey under the screen before washing it down!
Re: LASK Support sign me up as well. i'd take a white on charcoal/ heather gray/ black / navy blue. but i'll buy one regardless