KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!

Discussion in 'Custom Toys and Fan Art' started by MANIMAL, Aug 17, 2008.

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    MANIMAL Line of Credit

    Jun 8, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    its been since March on some pieces and the Damnedron went out of stock in JUNE - come on KT gives us restocks on the goodies you got as well as new sculpts to paint!

    this was a great idea with a very fun initial offering of figures...but OOS supply has all but killed the joy I had in the beginning

    chime in on this and dont make it the obvious " at least it's keeping MANIMAL from painting comments" those are already unspoken/understood :lol:
  2. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Aug 15, 2007
    San Jose
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    March seems like a cake walk.

    The mini zag has been out since January. ;) It's almost like they forgot about the solid line.
  3. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    I hope they let it die
  4. silver_lining_man

    silver_lining_man Mini Boss

    Jan 13, 2008
    angel grove
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    are they ever gonna release a smogun?

    MANIMAL Line of Credit

    Jun 8, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!

    why? do you want me to go back to "ruining" production pieces?
  6. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!

    When I first started painting there was no easy access to toys to paint. I had to pay my dues to be able to paint over them to get less complaints. Now of days any crappy painter can grab one and slap paint on it. Before you really had to think about what you wanted to paint and make sure it was good so that what you painted over wasn't to bad a sacrifice. This meant wayyyyy less crappy sloppy paint apps and more focused paint apps. Customs where better.

    Take a production figure, acetone it and lets see if you don't think about what you do first. Because you know what will happen if you don't step your game up.

    But whatever.
  7. logang1

    logang1 Mini Boss

    Jul 29, 2007
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    I hope the SOLID thing dies too.
  8. hellopike

    hellopike S7 Royalty

    Mar 21, 2007
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!

    And you had to walk 10 miles to pick up the figure at the post office... uphill, BOTH WAYS.


    Nah I can understand that sentiment Lash. I've only painted 3 Solids personally. Actually 2... well only one ended up finished. I like painting over production pieces because I know that someone, somewhere out there is aggravated by that fact. =)

  9. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Aug 6, 2007
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    hahahaha...not only does it piss them off, but then you sell the piece as well...you can almost hear them screaming.
  10. bryce_r

    bryce_r Die-Cast

    Aug 15, 2007
    San Jose
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    But why get rid of the solid line? I think for those people who want to paint, it provides a cost effective method to do so. You don't need to acetone a figure and they are also less expensive to buy. Just moneywise, if I painted, I wouldn't want to spend 60 dollars for a figure and acetone it, when I could spend 32 dollars and have a blank canvas.

    And that has nothing to do with 'ruining' vinyl or otherwise. Just dollars and cents.
  11. akum6n

    akum6n Vintage

    Nov 3, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    I hope they kill the RxH Solids anyhow. Wouldn't want any 'reissues' out there... ;)
  12. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    This makes no sense whatsoever... you're just going to see the same "crappy sloppy paint apps" over production pieces. The thought that just because the base is more "precious" it will spawn better customs is a complete misconception. The same people with no painting training/skills, and no design sense will still be hot-gluing Swarovski rhinestones to some production piece, thinking it's an "out of the box" masterpiece.

    I also find it somewhat shortsighted and selfish to think that just because YOU had to go through some grief, that others should as well. The Solid line allowed people to buy figures for reduced cost that were MEANT to be customized. It didn't reduce the numbers of production pieces that others new to RxH might want later on (Devilman Evil).

    There's just more people jumping on the Japanese vinyl bandwagon who think they can do anything they want, and get universal praise the way they do on the KR message board. I'm constantly amazed at what crap gets posted over there and people gobble it up like it's some amazing piece of work.

    Unlike some other vocal people on this board, I don't have much of an issue with customs - but only if they're done well, and they demonstrate some sort of appreciation for the figures they're working on. There's a disturbing increase in some really poorly done stuff, and that's what the Solid line is perfect for.

    Yeah... that person's name is Mori.

    Aside from Mori, I also find it extremely childish that people would deliberately destroy a production piece for no better reason than that they know it will piss someone else off. If you're going to do it, do it because it's necessary for a specific custom that you want to make... but to gratuitously ruin a production piece for such a passive aggressive and needless reason just seems incredibly infantile and disrespectful to the toys and toy companies that you supposedly love so much.
  13. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    I knew it would only take a few posts for someone to try and rip my words apart. Bottom line is thats MY opinion love it or hate it. Is it right or wrong to you is your take.

    If you honestly think that people wouldn't think twice before they paint a production figure, which you have done before, your crazy. Yup they would still do stupid shit but they would think before they acted, and it would stop half the shit work as they wouldn't want to throw away there money just to try something out.

    And yes I do think you should go through some grief, it will help you take a critique better. As well if you do shit work it will make you work harder to be better and improve or it will weed you out. If everything is handed to you on a silver platter you wont appreciate it as much and you will never grow. I'm not saying work should be trashed, but all smiles and happy comments will turn the customs section into kidrobot Jr.

    And if I find another devilman cheap rest assured I will be stripping him down and repainting him for old times sake ;)
  14. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    Doubtful... and they'll probably say the same things you said way back when: "I'm only customizing pieces that are readily available." If they think that something is as common as you felt the Devilman Evils were, they won't hesitate for a second about what they're going to do.

    Won't. Change. A. Thing.

    They'll just be paying $20 more for the figure, and reducing the volume of the figure that an increasing number of RxH fans might not be able to find in the future - like the Devilman Evil.

    You're assuming that some of these people have the ability to actually take in and use the criticism. There are more a few people whose custom work I enjoy on this board, but they HAD skill to start with. There are clearly some people doing custom work that have no business holding an airbrush or hot glue gun. No matter what you tell them, no matter how constructive you critique them, they'd just going to produce steaming piles of v-color coated crap. I do not subscribe to the belief that ANYONE can do good art if they receive criticism. I believe a certain level of talent must already reside in a person to produce good work.

    I'm not sure why you think that some of the customs done on Solid figures have NOT received their fair share of harsh criticism as opposed to those done over production piece bases... clearly this is a board that isn't afraid to say what it thinks about a piece - whether it's done by a customizer (amateur or well established artist) or a Japanese company. This ISN'T a board that is all smiles and happy comments, but to suggest that people should not have an avenue to more affordable base figures that are meant to be worked on by fans because YOU received some grief, just comes across as extremely selfish on your part.
  15. gatchabert

    gatchabert Prototype

    Aug 6, 2007
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    How do you demonstrate an appreciation for a figure?
  16. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    Okay I understand you and can agree with you. But you have to agree that the board is way less aggressive than back when. I mean any custom not done by Paul kaiju was nothing more than garbage ( somethings haven't changed ;) ) and was subject to harsh words. I think if it wasn't for that I wouldnt be as thoughtful of what I do before I paint and why I'm so touchy about anything that I let out of my hands.

    How is any of this selfish on my part, I'm not selling or making any money. And stop with the capital YOU its freaking me out.
  17. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    Perhaps "respect" is a better word...

    For example, it's no secret that I don't really find Dead President's work particularly interesting or inspired.

    Good technique and clean execution, but there doesn't seem to be any reason why he's painting Japanese vinyl figures as opposed to a D.unny, a Chia pet or a car fender with auto-grade paint and pinstriping. Every piece is just completely coated with car paint, and pinstriped with some random lines that look nice individually, but don't add up to anything collectively when looking at the figure as a whole.

    They just feel empty and uninspired repetitive examples of car paint on a figure rather than pieces done by you, Lash, Toybot, or a lot of other people on this board that have a vision of what they want to see. You can see in your work that you have a specific look that you're working for, and your work compliments the figures you work on. Specifically, I really love your work on the Borgs... But generically coating figures with metalflake paint with a paint gun and adding pinstripes doesn't demonstrate any sensitivity or appreciation of a figure in my opinion.
  18. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!

    I do this by gazing at them with zombie like skill :)
  19. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    I'm not sure it's actually less harsh, there just seems to be more people on board now who are a little kinder with their comments - but I'm sure a number of harsh commentators just avoid the customs forum like a plague now.

    I'm just suggesting that it's somewhat selfish to say that people shouldn't have access to a lower cost line of figures meant to be customized just because you didn't have access to them earlier, and that they should be forced to pay more to customize production pieces and receive grief just because you did. Not a very empathetic point of view in my opinion.

    If you truly think figures can and should be available for customizing, it just seems odd that you'd want to eliminate the avenue created by the toy companies to do just that.

    MANIMAL Line of Credit

    Jun 8, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    so to wrap this all up ....- KT please bring us more and newer SOLID line figures at the same lower cost so a few of us do not reduce production runs with our crap paint aps!
  21. Locomoco

    Locomoco Die-Cast

    Mar 1, 2006
    San Mateo
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    exactly... ;)
  22. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    Alright, point taken.

    I guess I just want to see people come with their A game. Not just because they can buy a blank and try to be like Paul Kaiju.

    Dont get me wrong its the solid line that we have new painters like Bert. But its also the solid line that we have painters like .... MAINMAL :shock:

    I still acetone production figures ;) its keeps me focused.
  23. toybotstudios

    toybotstudios Die-Cast

    Jul 1, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    I wish KT would expand the solid line. Get some clears in there.

    I also think painting figures should be for everyone. Regardless if they are talented or not.

    who knows, maybe one day Manimal will be the next Kaws and the kiddies will be shelling out $500 for one of his T-shirts. Then we can say "I remember when Manimal was a piece of shit on that board and I hated him. look at him now."


    just saying (I think this is the phase)
  24. BloodDrinker6969

    BloodDrinker6969 Die-Cast

    Nov 26, 2006
    Chicago, Like R.Kelly
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    I like the solid line only because people don't have to acetone production pieces.

    HOWEVER I hate it because it makes these toys one step closer to the crappy "platform" toys we all (most) hate. It kind of cheapens it BECAUSE of all the crappier customs. BUT at this point I think crappier customs will come no matter what.

    People who don't try to "step up their game" just never will, regardless of the Solid line. PLUS we'll rip the shit out of them until they do (sometimes even after they did it seems.)
  25. Rich

    Rich Die-Cast

    Mar 7, 2006
    KT SOLID line needs to be re-stocked like NOW!!!
    Jeff, King of Kong was awesome ! :)
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