Damn, not getting this stuff at retail sucks! plus Eriagun sold too for lots.... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vi ... &rd=1&rd=1 http://cgi.ebay.com/Gargamel-Bwana-Spoo ... dZViewItem
and to think i sold mine at cost......haha! just kidding. i dont understand how someone (if they are a passionate toy collector) would want to make another collector shell out insane amounts of money for a cool toy. oh well,
Wow. This makes me really thankful i was able to score one offa yahoo japan with a foolishly reasonable buy it now price. It just arrived today and I'm floored at how awesome it is.
yep, thought i slapped a crazy high top bid so i wouldn't be outbid, and then got outbid! i didn't really think it would end anywhere near my top bid.
not to mention what earth restroyer recently hit! http://cgi.ebay.ca/pupstroyer-Bwana-Spo ... dZViewItem