There really ought to be some minimalist, vintage kaiju inspired Sarumon releases to supplement all these crazy versions that are coming out. I am all about creative paint applications and generally trying new things, but how about a Sarumon that is simple and classy instead of weird looking and overly busy?
got this guy about two weeks back.... not a big fan of killer j, but i love me some smoking stars.... love the header on this too
I put this in the "What You Got...Mail", but Figure I'd post this photo here for Sarumon fans. I admit, I was getting a little worn on the full size Sarumon recently--too many releases and customs in a very short time--but when I saw this mini I knew it was a MUST have. Plus, the mini dinosaur steals the show.
Don't know if they were sculpted so much as re-used from existing vintage toys. Top one looks like the head from a Miura Toy vinyl; bottom one is an unmarked Triceratops guy by the same company that made the 'original' Killer J Django or whatever. I like the concept, because it's like making derivatives of derivative kaiju toys. Still seems kind of lazy. Can't say I'm not tempted. Better than Sarumon, though.
So did the uh... Fluff ball guy just land with a flop and get swept under the rug? There was one on YJA that the guy couldn't get rid of.
May be some members will like it.................because its HAWAII ver???!!!!
Long time no see everybody, Finally i open flickr for my HP & custom database. Please check it out if you like my HP.
Coming June 1st! Working with Killer J was awesome and having these in hand are amazing. They will be released June 1st for our opening!
I just wish that Goran and Sagiran had different bodies. Still, I certainly wouldn't mind owning one of these guys.
Thank you for RAMPAGE TOYS custom paint on star pets. They are BEAUTIFUL. Check this out if you like them too.