^Most recent Kaws releases have been 'distributed' through other retailers. Just a handful seem to go through Kawsone, if they are released through the site at all... No black dissected bearbrick, although lots of mis-information and speculation... Looks like it's starting again - all I have heard is 'september release'.
But I wanna buy this for me http://www.freshnessmag.com/2010/08/24/ ... g-preview/ Also look at the Chum hands in the background
Kaws Original Fake Pinocchio & Jiminy Cricket Pre-Order ( Pre orders sold out) https://www.toytokyo.com/shopping/index ... t_id/10643
The Japanese retail price with the conversion rate right now would be over $200, so unless Kaws gives a discount if it goes on his site I doubt it would be less than that. The price is higher because of licensing fees that probably need to be paid to Disney. It makes sense to me.
Kaws made a comment about how he wished it could be a run of 1,000. I'm assuming a license issue with Disney was at play. But I am hoping like other runs it is 500 for Japan and 500 for the US/everyone else.
didnt know if any of you SBers would be into this, but i just got an email about it.... Its the Kaws Pinocchio T shirt. white on black and vice versa! http://www.ubiqlife.com/ProductDetail.aspx?ID=5342
for some reasons, girls love this kaws pinocchio figure.. my gf who hasnt been pleased with my purchases, actually agreed to me gettin this pinocchio set, and she wanted a set for herself too!
Fuck the What? Is ToyQube the only other company selling these besides KAWS? I haven't seen anyone else carrying them,,,,what's the deal?
3 drops (2 x pre-orders & 1 when they got 'em in stock) with an $$$ increase each time . . . fuckin' douche move!