Quick question: On the current opening page, the one with the cases from the RAD store, the first pic has an interesting toy in the left case on the 2nd shelf. It is a Kaws figure, I believe, since it has the disctinctive cartoony skull & crossbones head, but it is bright yellow and appears to have a body like the Michelin Man. What is this figure actually called? I'm interested in this bulky figure, which in contrast to the Mickey Mouse-ish Companion (which I think is the correct name, please correct me if I'm wrong.) Thanks in advance for any info you might be able to provide.
kaws chum - 2/3 years ago from 360 toy group in nyc. bunch of colors. check tt they have some older kaws stuff up.
Groovy! Thanks, everyone! I really like the bulky Kaws "big body" model! The Chum, eh? Have to look a bit for some of those... was there ever a glow one? ^_^
No glow. Yellow, Pink, Black, White, and Clear. All of them were editions of 500 except the Clear which was 1000. They'll show up on eBay from time to time - Black and Clear more than the others. A Black on just recently ended for about $300 I believe. The White one is very elusive and sells for the most even though the edition size is the same as the other colors. Good luck!