Kamen Rider Enemies mini question.

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by Spazmocanulass, Jul 3, 2013.

  1. Spazmocanulass

    Spazmocanulass Fresh Meat

    Hi Everyone

    First time poster/now registered - but a long time lurker.

    I picked up a few mini Kamen rider enemies and am a little stumped as to whether or not a few of them have had some color added or if indeed they are original paints. Ok, the one on the right I'm pretty sure has had the black lines added? The schemes are pretty cool but I just cant work it out- the paint sits really "flat" on the figures. Thanks for the help and look for my collection pics posted real soon. Good to be here.

  2. scobot

    scobot Addicted

    Hi and welcome !! Yes ... all of them have been painted over, it's not uncommon to find them painted like this and they look pretty cool, but it does devalue them for collectors.
  3. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    Welcome. Glad to see someone new here posting vintage toys!

    Looks like someone attempted painting over these minis for sure. Especially the Mantis figure on the right.
  4. ribbon controller

    ribbon controller S7 Royalty

    if only more customizers painted like this..
  5. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Even with the paint added, they are still pretty nice figures, and after being cleaned up would be nice in most collections. Nice find.
  6. Spazmocanulass

    Spazmocanulass Fresh Meat

    Thanks for the info.

    I've started the cleanup process experimenting with non acetone nail polish remover, Ethylene alcohol didn't work. Seems to be working. Q-tips and patience I'll be sure to post some before and after pictures.
  7. HBCoffin

    HBCoffin Addicted

    In order to allow you to delete your previous post, I'll respond here-please try to keep all your questions in a single thread if they're in reference to the same subject. ;)
  8. scobot

    scobot Addicted

    for your interest here is how a pretty minty Gireera looks

  9. Spazmocanulass

    Spazmocanulass Fresh Meat

    Hey again,

    So, I own a packaged "Spiderman" mini villain whose header card says its a Popy but whose undersole brand states "Bandai" (In Katakana that is).

    I know the larger figs are Bandai but how is it that some of the smaller ones are Bandai and others Popy? Was there a licensing switch at some time?

  10. michael

    michael Side Dealer

    popy is bandai, it was a company created under bandai geared towards boys. (i hope i got that right, i remember reading it somewhere, probably here)
  11. organic_addict

    organic_addict Comment King

    Nice bit of Popy history here:
    http://toyboxdx.com/datafiles/data/popy ... _index.htm
  12. Spazmocanulass

    Spazmocanulass Fresh Meat

    Holy CraP! How did I miss that?
  13. andy

    andy Mini Boss

    Bandai was Bandai; is/was Bandai + Popy; is Bandai.

    The 70s were cooler. Kenner + Popy. Los legends.
  14. Spazmocanulass

    Spazmocanulass Fresh Meat

    Anyone have an idea about the paint job on the "Dokudarian" on the right? I got him in a lot sale and I really like the paint spray but as far as I can tell the paint spray on the left figure is the "standard". Haven't been able to find the variation of the right anywhere. Variant?


  15. Lixx

    Lixx Mr. Grumpy™

    There are lots of variations with color/paint in the mini kamen rider villains. Could be just that. Here is a link that shows some of them:


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