Please do! Maybe I need to see it from some different angles to appreciate it more. I've only seen it at a quarter angle. I especially would love to see the back!
Wow, never seen the that one before, that is proper hardcore sofubi. I will be looking out for this sculpt, hope there are plenty of releases . . . thanks for sharing.
Wasn't into this guy before your shots @plasticXO but wow, what a sculpt! Part of me wants to shrink in size and explore that back.. So cool. @bryce_r the 2 headed dude is sculpted by Handsome TaroM so I assume thats why he's at the booth as well.
Thanks guys. I'm glad they help to get a better appreciation of this beauty. This sculpt is a lesson on how to add details without falling into a realistic rendering. Just the right amount of textures and features, in a perfectly balanced result. @The Moog : this was the debut release at SF. It was available in orange & blue vinyl (lottery release). I'm pretty sure it will get more releases as it got a lot of attention on the booth.
Already posted this on my Instagram, but thought I'd share them here for all of the people who aren't app-savvy. Lulubell Toys did a small run of 5 one-offs of the Zamshin + Micro Horumorah set, painted by Grody Shogun. I managed to snag the "white" version, which is more of a lavender-like color as a base, but anyway! There are so many cool details on this sculpt and a lot of posability for displaying, playing, and photo fun. Front view. Back view. My favorite part of the sculpt... this tiny digested victim in one of the flytraps!!! Jetturre sculpts may be my new favorite thing.
How did you aquire that chimply? Lotto? I have been wondering when some would come out, I saw there was a superfest one but what a beauty! Congrats! Edit: Lottery first release, got it.
@quentor - The orange and blue version were first release at Super Fest in January 2017. Then Jetturre reissued both colors again at Wonder Fest in February. I bought mine after WF. Sales at both shows were first come first serve. No lottery.
Sorry I must correct you about Super Festival, at least. It was a lottery, I was fortunate enough to be there to attend it. And congrats about getting one !
@plasticXO - My bad. Thanks for the correction. And congrats yourself on winning one. It was your photos that prompted me to chase one down.
No pb ! The Jet Turre booth was really popular and the new items were on lottery schedule at 12am. Way better than other sellers who did the first come first serve and were sold out 5 min after the regular opening . I experienced that. I was in line the minute I entered the building and went into a queue immediatly. The item sold out 2 people before me. The seller did not care how many copies each wanted to buy. He sold out as much as possible, as fast as possible... Seeing that I did not regret not having it. Glad I kept my cash for Gigametron, as I did not know it was released that day and I spotted it as I was roaming the alleys ! I'm glad my pics helped the sculpt being appreciated and that you're not disappointed. I'm pretty sure you'll agree having it in hand concurs to the feeling it's unique and an awesome piece of sofubi.
That's great it was a lottery giving you a chance to grab one. What was the story with the unpainted red 2 head giant Galligantus at Jetturre table? Was that also for sale or just a preview for future sales? I know Lulubell sent out message for the preorder sales about to end for the GID version. I wonder if the red unpainted is the next sales? I concur in hand it is very unique. It is a really chunky vinyl with nice detailing. The three heads and three tails is cute! The added lighthouse is the highlight for me.