How do you figure? As I understand it one of each figure will be in each egg, and the figures don't vary in color (every Zag is red, every Beetlar is blue, etc), so every egg will have every color sprayed on it.
I'm not a beetlar fan but the painted one looks great. Is there an eta on when these will be available at super7?
The painted Bander would be nice. The rest don't do anything for me. I like Sunguts but prefer the solid painted Betadoron. I have too many mini Damns. I like the Beetlar sculpt but not enough to collect more. Was never a fan of this mini Zag sculpt, reminds me of those crouching VinylJunkies.
Does anyone want the yellow flower thing? Got a group of people going in on a set but the flower guy isn't taken. PM me if you're into it!
I just want to say that again I experienced some really awesome RFSO attitude with this set. Makes me excited that everyone can work together and make shit happen. I love this board so much! That's all.
Does the U.S. domestic set come with the print? I was under the impression that it was either with or without the egg and no print in either case. conqueror- Yeah, they are mostly 3-4" tall, regular mini size.
No print, really? That sucks. I wasn't gonna get this anyway, but all I WOULD want is the Zag, Egg and print. Those prints Gargamel slaps out rock.
Yep, if you get the one in the egg it comes's a small print...something like 4x6 or 5x7 and numbered out of 50.
The set I picked up did not have a painted figure in it. A little disapointed by that but it's okay. The set really looks awesome. I'll post a picture, even though we've all seen them.
That's kinda lame, but still post a picture. Btw, I see your band is playing at the Gilman with Shook Ones, should be a cool show.
wow, what band are you in? shook ones along with blacklisted are like the only current hardcore bands i actually give a shit about at the moment.
Hank is in Hour of the Wolf They're also playing with Outbreak and Trash Talk who are pretty good, I wish I were in Arizona for that one. Anyways, back to toys. So there is only one painted figure in these sets? I thought you get either an unpainted or painted set, not a mix and match.
There was NO painted figures in my set. Should there have been? Bummer if so, pictures. Box.. Opened!!!!!!! My sweet new Zag, now if only I can get my hands on the unpainted GID one. These are the ones that aren't mine, well except the flower guy. I'm open for offers, PM away.
No print. Only the egg came with the print. Thought about going for and remembered I need something else A LOT more.