I'm willing to be someones I FART A LOT for $35?????

Discussion in 'Whatever' started by living dead, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. living dead

    living dead Prototype

    Feb 20, 2006
    Yokosuka, Japan
    I'm willing to be someones I FART A LOT for $35?????
    As of now I don't have plans on going to Wonder Festival, but if someone wants to buy my ticket ($20) and train fare ($15) I think I could be a willing subject?????

    I don't know what is available so I would need a complete list of wants in interested. :roll:

    The main reason I don't plan on going just for myself is I have spent a lot of money between Comic Con, OriginalFake and I'm going to a HUGE concert on the 12th and 13th. Just thought I'd share...

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