I know from skimming through the "What Video Games Are You Currently Playing" thread that a few of you play. I'm late to the game here (literally), but I just picked it up about 3-4 months ago. I would love to do some of the raid missions, but it's way too hard when you get paired with randoms who don't communicate. If anyone is still playing it would be cool to try to get a group together.
I'm not positive, but I believe you had to be a certain level by a certain date in order to carry over any characters. Also, the only thing that would carry over is the skin - no weapons/armor/items/etc - everyone starts out at square 1. Personally, I'm looking forward to creating new characters! I'm bummed that SW: Battlefront II is going to be released a couple months after Destiny II. I want to play both games, but I don't have much time to devote to gaming and am therefore mostly a one-game-at-a-time gamer.