I usually have to disagree w/ Scott just on principle, but right now "Bad Luck"/Social D is blasting outta' my speakers and I couldn't be happier. Don't know much about 7 Seconds?
The movie sounds RAD - if I wasn't a: with post travel virus and b: running a software release tonight I would want to be there. They have some really cool stuff at teh Montalban/Nike Store - but the lines are usually insane. Let us know how it goes Scott.
last night was awesome. not as awesome as the cro mags show but still amazing. the movie was rad. a fun history lesson about the stern bros., youth brigade and the rise and decline of the la punk scene as seen through the eyes of the BYO and BYO records. after the movie youth brigade came out and played a long ass set. i peaced out after 10 minutes and hug outside. swinging utters were next and i stayed outside. then the mighty 7 seconds played an awesome set full of old shit. they did sneak in soulforce revolution. i didn't mind because my buddy rob was siked. they ended with young til i die & trust. fucking PMA everywhere. i also ran into my pushead collecting infest shirt wearing brother. sorry man, i always forget names. it was good seeing you.
My girlfriend was going to go but she is opposed to swingin utters in every way. I have yet to see 7 Seconds but they are at the top of my list. I could have seen them in high school but it was around the time of the hippie crap so I declined. My friend went and said they played The Crew straight through and no new stuff. I have been bummed ever since.