Been there. While the sign has generated some local controversy and mirth, I've gotta say ... if you are annoyed to that extent by the Mission District's considerable "hipster" population (most of whom don't actually live there, but congregate en masse daily) then why did you set up a high-quality coffee shop in the most hipster zone of all San Francisco? That would be sort of like setting up a dim sum restaurant in Chinatown and insisting "only English language permitted!" Anyway, it's funny. While I find the current crop of Mission hipsters to be annoying, I defend them anyway, because at least they bring money to the 'hood and aren't gangbangers. On the other hand, they are seriously diluting what used to be a much more "ethnic" neighborhood, so it's debatable whether they're a boon or an annoyance. The smugness, obliviousness, entitlement and enormous crowds are a drag to cranky locals like me, but on the other hand, they're ultimately pretty much harmless. I'm perfectly happy to consign them to the coffee shops and the wrong ice cream line (Bi-Rite) but get the heck out of Duboce Park, you kids!
i used to go there, camp out for 4 hours, complain about the grilled cheese, and stiff the waitress before anyone else did...
I think a lot of hipsters will still congregate there, totally oblivious to the signs blatantly condemning them.
Fox news is reporting about this? i've got to try this place. they're the ultimate source for everything that's cool
I live across the street from 4B. It's only a shit show on the weekends. And by that I mean, lines out the door for coffee, not as long as Bi Rite ice cream or Tartine morning pastries though. Why do you ask? also:
I went to Bi Rite tonight. Correction, I dropped my wife and son off at Bi Rite and aimlessly drove all over looking for a parking space and never found one. So just picked up the wife and son and ate my ice cream in the car. I hate that area.
I dissed Bi-Rite earlier, but their salted carmel ice cream is great. I like Smitten and Humphrey Slocombe better. Bi-Rite is a super-cool biz in general but the long lines out the door of the ice cream shop are crazy for their "see and be seen" element.
For some reason people in SF love lines. I dont get it. Bi-rite, Tartine and 4b are good but not wait in a line for 3 hours good! That is why I never eat out on Friday or Saturday.
Yeah I wasnt bad but not worth the line. We have a tiny neighborhood place near us in Pasadena with better salted caramel. And I agree with Dean, Humphrey Slocombe is better. We also went to Polly Ann for black sesame ice cream.
Polly Ann is better in my opinion. Plus a little tip: There is a second window next to the bi-rite ice ream line that sells soft serve and never has a line.
The only thing worst than a hipster is complaining about them. Here is a small story about 4B that I think I've only told Joe Bunny about: I once walked in and heard a band being played in their turntable. It was a wednesday afternoon around 1pm, not too many people there. I looked at the guy behind the counter and said "hey I know what youre playing in here" He got really nervous and fumbled around. He didn't turn it off because I'm sure he didn't want to make a big deal about it. I talked to him a little about him being lucky that I didn't freak about it. The band was Skrewdriver. Not even early "but they weren't like that then" Skrewdriver. So fuck 4B they have no room to talk.
When I was there last week they were playing the American LP version of "Drums and Wires" by XTC which I thought was pretty cool. But Skrewdriver? Argh!