havent been here that long. is there a place on this board where people list the good/bad sellers? im getting into a deal and i wanna make sure its legit
I can't remember the last time someone was stiffed around here. Some people are slow to ship stuff out but that's the worst that I can recall. Knock on wood. Your milage may vary.
All I can say is that I hope it's not for what I think it's for. <img src=\"{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif\" alt=\"\" title=\"Wink\" />
dear who ever is here to scam people, please leave don't come 'round here no more. thanks, hippo police svkaiju
why not just wait a little until u get to know members a little - buying with confidence much more fun and pleasant as no need to pay extra for tracking numbers...
I always purchase tracking and insurance if possible,not a trust issue at all but because the usps is capable of wide ranging incompetence (crushing things, losing them,sending them to wierd places etc).
I should have known better than to buy 'Mr P's Mystery Bag'. contents: 1 empty whippet a used lycra body stocking a glowstick 5 capsules of fake E
More like the dog that has been getting in Barry Bonds trash bin for the past 6-7 years. Licking out the residue from jars of "cream" and lapping up the left over "clear".