The yellow gamagone is up for sale. Go get it. ... ct_Count=0
I dig it! Were the first ones so expensive? I did not know if these were hard to get or really low runs. If I have the cash I am gonna pick this one up!
Yeah, email said limited to "around 100" so should disappear pretty quick...I like this colorway alot; almost as much as the GID...
also...if anyone is interested... i snagged the red for $60 and the orange(with print) for $135 earlier today
Seems like there's been a sharp increase in interest for Gamagons lately... is it just because of the new release? Maybe because of the increase of interest in Japanese Vinyl type characters?
i think it is due to the j vinyl stuff i kept meaning to pick up the red for several months now, but it just kept slipping my mind