Frankenchrome delay.

Discussion in 'Japan Toys' started by Joe Bunny, Jul 6, 2007.

  1. Joe Bunny

    Joe Bunny Comment King

    The chrome Frankenghost that was going to be released 7-7-07 has been delayed a bit. It will be available for SDCC!

  2. lgcolddrink

    lgcolddrink Addicted

    Awhhh crap.
  3. Krudler

    Krudler Comment King

    Will these be available online still?

    Edit: I mean when they're ready to release (of course).

    If these are another SDCC only release I'm going curl up into a little ball and wail for the rest of the weekend.

    Then I guess I'll go to work on Monday as if nothing happened.
  4. brianflynn

    brianflynn Post Pimp Staff Member

    No curling, no worries. We will have some for everyone.
  5. scottygee

    scottygee Comment King

    Thank goodness---I completely forgot about this over the weekend! Plus, that will give me a few more weeks to sell plasma, pick up/sell aluminum cans, and scrounge for change between the cushions to pay for the shiny little guy! Small miracles...

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