Hello BASK! I have some framing of prints that I need to get done and I'm wondering if any of you have any recommendations? The print is more of a contemporary/pop art style so I'd prefer the framer have some experience that kind of work. Thanks y'all! PS If a similar thread already exists please feel free to merge this post, I couldn't find any.
I know that Cheap Peat's on Geary does good framing- I brought them my Elegab painting years ago and it's tops. I plan to bring them my Godzilla SP big wallpaper once I get it as well.
Thanks for the recommendation Doug. Another friend mentioned that spot as well so I will definitely check them out.
Thanks for starting this topic, and thanks for the recommendation! I have some prints that also need framing. BTW, of you are on a budget, you can buy a nice frame first, then ask a framing shop to cut a custom acid-free mat for you, then add your print between the mat and frame. You can bring your print (or cut a blank sheet the same size as your print, and draw an outline of the boundary of the printed area. Bring this as your sample for the mat cutter person, if you don't want to risk transporting an expensive print).
Yes, I've definitely done that with stock frames, that's a great reminder! I've gotten a nice and affordable standard size frame and then just had the mat custom cut. https://www.arttoframe.com/ has been great for that in my opinion.