Unpainted test of Dream Rocket's Gumoz!! ...and the rest of the Gumozeses. Dream Rocket regularly sells unpainted versions of each release, so there are very few legitimate "test shots" out there (no production Gumoz in orange vinyl as of yet). The few that I have heard of were priced at ridiculous amounts- usually Patchi-Summit raffle prizes. I love prototypes and test shots (and Dream Rocket), so this has been sort of a grail for me. Feeling complete... for now.
Wow Awesome! I don't have a gumoz yet...but was always interested in it. Congrats on the test shot score! Hopefully they won't produce a run in orange so it keeps it's scarcity.
Thanks guys for the comments. @Red- For the price I paid, I wouldn't die if that happened. Then the hunt would begin again. I doubt we will see this as a production color because this orange was the base color for Gazura's first release a few years ago. That's not to say that he couldn't have saved some on the side. Gumoz tend to run pretty cheap, so you can easily pick one up for $50-60 shipped. I think it has the most character of the DR sculpts.
I think I'll be picking up a Gumoz. I would really like to get two and do a custom, probably the green that was in the Capt'n Maxx battle set would be best for painting. My personal fave so far by DR is Gabari...an incredible sculpt and it's from Masked Ninja Red Shadow! Their Gappo is pretty awesome too.
Very cool, a really lovely orange. I have never seen a Gumoz test shot before. The sculpt seems so much older without a wild paint app. It was one of the sculpts that got me into collecting Japanese toys.
This week we got a package from Mr and Mrs Dream Rocket. We have met a few times and although the huge communication gap there's always this special vibe. To honour the eyecandy of Dream Rocket I'd like to revive this topic by dropping some pics of their toys.