I had to take down my toy room when my son was born. It’s all been boxed up for nearly 3 years, with the exception of 1 shelf I keep, that I’ll probably completely switch up soon. Everytime I get to storage it’s always exciting to peak into a few boxes.
Trimming down sounds great, but I’ve boiled down the collection already. I’ve Marie kondo’d it a few times. At least 2/3rds of my collection is just fight figures, which I couldn’t imagine getting rid of. I dunno. I love my collection, but maybe because I’ve tried slowing down lately I’m not getting that dopamine rush of constantly getting something new and I’m having a bit of withdrawal and that’s what’s getting to me a bit.
It's not so much the collections, it's that we're collectors! If you're not engaged in the process of collecting or curating, then the collection seems to lose vitality and interest. For the collector here has to be some kind of constant flow or motion happening, whether it's adding, subtracting, rearranging or curating.
Hot damn.. yeah that’s a scary move right there! I don’t blame you for not wanting to change cases or changing anything also 160 in two detolfs?!?
Yeah, that got to me too for a while. But i have other things i collect, so i just focused on those more. Sofubi used to be my big obsession and vintage squeakers were a side interest. Now i focus more on the affordable squeakers and less on the expensive Sofubi, but i haven't given up on it completely. I've also been buying a lot of Switch games recently in physical form, and they're not cheap either, but they're a lot less frustrating to find than rare Bear Model toys, for example! Once a collector, always a collector!
Just wandering off tangent for a sec (nuthin' new there on Skulldrain)! I've found that once an artist/manufacturer/producer starts pumping out toys too rapidly, or dropping too many unobtainable overseas exclusives, inaccessible micro-runs, or even if I just mentally lose track of what they've produced and what may be out there to collect. No matter how awesome or cool the toys may be . . . . I'm done! It's kinda like, if the finish line gets moved outta sight, my race is run! I've also found myself using other 'unwritten rules' and internal mindfucks such as passing/selling stuff from artist-turned-asshats, fans I can't relate to, recognising I'm 'too-late-to-the-party' to start collecting, intentionally not hitting 'BUY' to break the dumb completist curse, debating too long with stuff in the cart until it's sold out . . . No matter how cool I think it is! I still think I'm a 'collector', but now also feel like I'm actively looking for reasons NOT to buy stuff. I should probably stop listening to the voices, but they're saving me a fortune!
There is no doubt, we all need a break sometimes! It's a natural part of the whole thing. You reach a point where you look around and say "what the hell am I doing?" Then, the next time your eye/ear catches something that speaks to your soul with its beauty, and you absolutely need to add it to your altar of beautiful things that bring you joy, it will all make sense again!
Tired, not so much but as has been said / hinted at on this thread, when a collection is on display, I find I become 'snow-blind' to the majority of it after awhile. Like the visual version of white noise. A clean of the cabinet, a slight move around and it tends to solve the issue for awhile. However, what is perhaps a little scarier is looking at your collection and refusing to do the mental calculation that would put a rough figure on how much you have spent over the years... scarier still, what else you could have done with that money. So not tired per say but there are times when the wall of vinyl does give me cause to ponder.
I miss having the detlofs and shelves curated per style or color or GiD or whatever dance one can make with the mass that goes in the cabinet of curiosities. That said, I’ve become much more interested in how my kid reacts to my collection and the set ups we make. That’s the real interest for me now, making another toy nerd find their niche hahaha. As for the money part, wish I’d kept the toys from the makers that have skyrocketed and make buck but I feel that as an investment, had it not been for SB I wouldn’t have known how to price or what a fair transaction would be like. So even then, I can’t complain about my collecting too much, it’s been responsible and sustainable when possible even if it meant passing on things I later had to search longer for.
I'm tired of not being able to complete my collection. There's magic out there with a price tag that's always going up. A few years back I thought I could, over the course of a year, save up for a standard Tiger Seven. Looks like I'll be saving indefinitely now. *cries in toy*