Anyone want to share a booth this year? I need to book it today. I'm selling resin again. MonstreHero may or may not be there and we'll be adjacent to Paul again.
All us LASKers should join in and bring up all the shit we don't want and try to sell it for heroin and and Night Train. Turn it into some crazy debauched mayhem and scare all the KR kiddies. EDIT: I'll come dressed as El Duche
I think this is an excellent idea. Although I'm more likely to be scared of KR kiddies than they are of me.
If this booth thing doesn't work out I would still be up for a little taste heroin with a Night Train chaser. I can see the t-shirts now... LAN - Los Angeles Nodders
A few people have shown interest bringing some things and doing a little kaiju garage sale. Let me know if you're interested.