So, back in the day, when Super7 was still in Japan Town, I used to live in the Bay Area and went to one of these toy-swap meets. That's where I got this figure: Ultraman Custom by TOAD Likr, on Flickr At least that's what I think. On its foot, it says DC '11. I was wondering if anybody recognizes it, or if the original artist is still around here. I don't know the original toy maker neither, so..
Can't help with an artist ID, but can at least give you info on the sculpt. It is a 'Thrashman' figure by Gargamel.
To be honest, the colour scheme was giving me a strong Mark Nagata vibe, but dug through a whole bunch of old blog posts from different sites which covered D-Con 2011 and could not see this guy there in any of the coverage, sorry. Also checked the custom Gargamel show from '11, no dice either. 'DC' could be the artist's initials, too, maybe.
Also, just found a similar Kiyoka Ikeda custom on Mandrake and its title translates as 'Slashman'. This is not that one for sure, but similar, imho.
This was done by Dustin Cantrell @dustin I kinda had a hunch, but found it searching Flickr for thrashman. Given the time period, lots of folks were still using it to host pix. 3-D Thrashman by Dustin Cantrell, on Flickr
Ha! Well done Blake! I faintly remember the name Dustin, I think. Had to be him. Thanks! I'm still stuck on Flickr btw.
Dustin did some amazing custom work back in the day. Always very creative, unique, and thought out. Anybody know what ever happened to him? It’s been years.