Classic Kaiju, help with information please

Discussion in 'Vintage Vinyl' started by MyVinylVeins, Dec 4, 2020.

  1. MyVinylVeins

    MyVinylVeins Toy Prince

    Nov 8, 2019
    New York City
    Classic Kaiju, help with information please
    Hi everyone =) I'm looking to buy a special gift for a friend and need some help. This person collects classic kaiju sofubi. While I respect the classics and love the traditional characters, this area isn't my focus so I don't know much in terms of what to look for. I know Bullmark and Butanohana make some nice classic kaiju pieces but, other than that, I don't know much more. I don't really have the time to do much research so I was hoping you guys could point me in the direction of some of your favorites ;). Are there any other artist/makers or particular figures that stand out to you? I'll know if I see something that would fit his collection, I just don't know what to search for =P. Any information is appreciated. Thank you
  2. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Classic Kaiju, help with information please
    If you want classic, and also affordability, Bandai is the way to go for sure. For the next 'scale' up into the realm of sofubi, look at B-Club, [neo] Marusan, and M1-Go. If you have time to do an online order, definitely check out Mandarake, you can always find some incredible bargains there on very excellent toys, and could even put together a box with a few items for waayyy less than what common designer kaiju sells for.
    Russblue11 and MyVinylVeins like this.
  3. MyVinylVeins

    MyVinylVeins Toy Prince

    Nov 8, 2019
    New York City
    Classic Kaiju, help with information please
    Manderake definitely sounds like a good idea! If I can get it shipped directly to him, it might actually save time as he lives in Thailand =) Now I have something to search for! Thanks so much <3
  4. ultrakaiju

    ultrakaiju Die-Cast Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2011
    Classic Kaiju, help with information please
    ^ Yep, you can definitely change the shipping address to whatever you like during checkout. I don't know specifically about Thailand, but from what I understand most countries in the world can be within a week if you select DHL. Mandarake is obviously 'used' goods, but you can find plenty of wrapped up sofubi, and Bandais with the hanger tag still on 'em, so basically as good as new. Happy hunting! :) (the kind of birthday present I would love, for sure)
    MyVinylVeins likes this.
  5. MyVinylVeins

    MyVinylVeins Toy Prince

    Nov 8, 2019
    New York City
    Classic Kaiju, help with information please
    Truly appreciated =) thank you <3
  6. Mr. Humphreys

    Mr. Humphreys Mini Boss

    Feb 28, 2008
    Land of Plush
    Classic Kaiju, help with information please
    MyVinylVeins and Ghost Attack like this.
  7. MyVinylVeins

    MyVinylVeins Toy Prince

    Nov 8, 2019
    New York City
    Classic Kaiju, help with information please
    Thanks so much @Mr. Humphreys, I’ll check out that sale and see if there’s something that will work =)
    Mr. Humphreys likes this.

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