Man I wish I was going to this with my current obsession with Tiki culture I have a New found love for the ceramic.
2 different shows on the same night...this one and Josh's 2 person show. Sadly I can't make either one.
It was really cool. It's so nice to see something unique. These were so different than anything us but at the same time would meld nicely into most collections. - don't know how many pieces there were, but can get a good sampling of michelle's work. oh, and this from s7 blog land:
Saw a couple photos posted on the IG and loved what I saw! Those are so unbelievably cool and a great concept! Like ceramic idols to worship.
Wish I could have gone to this. They look great. I particularly liked the Gamera. Definitely have that ancient idol vibe.
Damn, this would have been such a great show to attend. I wish someone would have shared this info here sooner. Looks like Michelle Valigura did some phenomenal work on this exhibit, and gets a massive from me. I am glad to see Miles has some company I love the idea of mixing these themes, and would VERY happily pick up some smaller mass-produced versions of those in the photo in early ceramic, clay, or vinyl interpretations. (PS - I hope someone is working on this! ) Gary and King Joe are superb, and I definitely need some more of Twintail. And Baltan. Heck, they're all lovely. Count me in for one, and a ceramic building too. If I had the cash I'd welcome a ceramic kaiju army to display all over.
This looks like it was a fun and really unique show. Wish I knew about it sooner--I would have loved to be there and also to see some old and new BASK faces.