Calling RFSO into action!

Discussion in 'Compliments & Comments' started by locomoto566, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. locomoto566

    locomoto566 Super Deformed

  2. Frsh.nss

    Frsh.nss Addicted

    I saw that, it's very sad. I really wish I was in a position where I could help out more right now. I think I'm gonna send em some s2 [expletive deleted] they wanted to buy off me...


  3. LamourSupreme

    LamourSupreme Mini Boss

    I hate to be the pessimist here but.... I'll be the first to give, but I just need verification that this is legit. Does anyone know the family personally here? With all the scam artists you hear about the in media, it sort of makes you gun shy about giving. If someone can verify the validity of this story, let me know and I'll whip something up or give up something special to me to be auctioned.
  4. scottygee

    scottygee Comment King

    This is a very sad story, however, I certainly hope that it has a happy is great to see how the board members are pulling together so positively to help her and her family at this time...

    This should be taken as a lesson to us all to not take anything for granted and enjoy every second we have with our loved can be so fantastic and such a complete I FART A LOT, all at the same time...

    I don't pray, but this cute little girl and her family are certainly receiving some positive thoughts from my direction and, for those of you that do---now would be a good time...

    Best wishes...
  5. Pogue

    Pogue Die-Cast

    I vouch. Ally is a very cool lady. I haven't been to the hospital to see Ava but I am certian this is not a scam.
  6. LamourSupreme

    LamourSupreme Mini Boss

    thanks Knewman, I appreciate it. I'm on it.
  7. scottygee

    scottygee Comment King

    There are a lot of people on the KR board that know Ava's mom, Ally, and she has been a contributing boarder over there for some time. People have seen the little girl in the hospital also. I think you are quite safe in donating to this cause. Check with Knewnan here, I think he knows her personally...

    edit...just like he said above...
  8. Parka

    Parka S7 Royalty

    Yeah, I sent over some money, just feels a little 'distant' than sending something in.

    Going to try and get something and send a card over.

    How do the bills go with something like this? would they be covered by health insurance, not sure how it works as we have the NHS. Which for all its faults is a fantastic resource.
  9. Ghostbuster

    Ghostbuster Addicted

    Yeah, it is sad. I'm truly broke, so I can't send money, but I did send a figure for the auction.

    Does anyone know what kind of cancer she has? Just curious.

    JHOTTROD Post Pimp

    Guys i put up a Pushead Butchers doll at KR..Please dig deep and help this poor lil girl out..I started the auction at 75 and our bro theZ has it at 85 right now..I'm going to donate more out of pocket regardless of the auction outcome or will try to sell more goods to help out..Parka, our health insurance here has become a greed infested joke so whatever treatment shes going to get theyre def going to need money out of pocket to get her thru this ok.

    FYI-my girls a Registered Nurse and says this illness is no joke and expensive to treat so enough w/me laying the guilt on go buy something or give out of the kindness of your hearts-Thanks-John :D :D
  11. devilboy

    devilboy Mini Boss

    i also put up an auction for a LEGO Star Wars Sandcrawler in the BST forum there.
  12. el maz

    el maz Comment King

    i am contributing as well

    good to see that the news spread to this board as well.
  13. efp3

    efp3 Side Dealer

    It's cool to see that people are helping them out.

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