I just wanted to get some clarification on this practice that, at this point at least, appears to be informal and totally voluntary. Is that correct? I'm guessing it's either going to become formal or (more likely) just disappear because there is always a dilemma... Let's say I that I come here to tell you guys that I want a particular figure on eBay and I am "calling" it. Some people are going to respect my request and back off. Of course, other people couldn't care less whether or not I've "called" an auction, and now I've just told them about the auction's existence! So "calling" an auction could easily backfire.
Well - my take on it is this - it is all voluntary. We all hang on the board and are fairly up on what other people like, need, looking for etc....... NOW that is not to say there hasn't been any toes stepped on in the past and there probably will be in the future. If a rare piece comes up and the right peoples wallets are full then I think it will be a no holds barred finish. It all depends on how you feel about it really - if your a greedy bastard and price is no object then bid, bid until your wallet bleeds, OR if your a friendly sort and care what others (sic) think about you, show some courtesy. Me? It's every man and woman for themselves!!!
Personally I think that you just joined to start trouble. But seriously, we on this board are good to eachother for the most part unlike that other board which is overrun with ebay/auction/flipping discussion. Personally, if I call something and somebody else from the board bids on it anyways, no hard feelings because these toys are very limited and it's all about who will pay more. The thing that bugs me is when cats try and wait til the last 20 or 30 seconds to bid just because they know someone else from the board would pay more. But hey that's how the game goes I guess. Anyhow, lets not start up a million threads about ebay, just this one will do fine. -K
I have never knowningly bid against someone. As soon as I recognize a name or see a thread on one of the boards informing me that so and so is bidding on an item I don't bid. First, it's a courtesy thing. and second, bidding wars tend to drive up the prices on things. As soon as sellers see that a certain item or line is capable to fetching a high price, the asking price and BIN prices go through the roof Now in the past, I'm sure there are a few Godzilla and other Kaiju figure collectors that wondered who the "insane idiot was that was willing to pay that price for a glow in the dark toy!!!" LOL
I definitely love how most people respect each other's wants etc. on this board. The only things I have to add is one, that it is pretty safe to say that most everyone here is aware of pretty much every relevant auction on both ebay and YJA. Thus potentially disclosing auctions isn't too much of an issue. Of course it is nice when others point out an auction that one or more may be very interested in. Second, like most things in life, I think it's a gray, case by case situation. If someone has been pointing out that they have been looking for a certain older figure for a long time and one pops up for auction, then I would definitely lean to deferring to that person. However, in the case of newer, extremely limited figures; um, let's call them RealxHead, then it's pretty much going to be every one for themselves. But hey, one can always come here down the line to hopefully trade for other stuff...
"the_z" beat me to it.-well said. I will add that the shear nature of what we collect, i.e. limited runs, makes it a brutal hobby to begin with. How many have missed out on a figure by mear minutes
I think it is all about courtesy. I have mentioned that I wanted an auction just so people know that I will do what it takes to get that auction. I don't expect to not be bid against, but I think it is nice to let people here know that I am serious about a certiain auction and it would be cool if people didn't drive the price up for no good reason. I think it is weird that you decided to sign up just to ask that. what auction do you want?
also what's up with your avatar Ghostbuster? It looks like a crossed out obake. What are you trying to say?
Don't the back of the new Atmos Obake Header cards have the little crossed out Ghostbuster obakes to check off the color you got?
um all the atmos obakes had that image on the header as well as tshirts for the first series of them at atmos its an SB design
I joined about a week and a half ago when someone was trading a figure I was interested in. I didn't join to start this thread. I have been lurking for a while, and I was just wondering about this practice. It's good to see some thoughtful responses. The avatar has no meaning. I like the Secret Base Obake design, and Ghostbusters is one of my favorite movies, so I photoshopped the original Ghostbusters ghost to look like a Secret Base one. Thanks. Cool. I didn't know that. I might try to track down one of those shirts.
i didnt even notice that yours had the original hands good luck with the shirts.. ive tried http://cache.yahoofs.jp/search/cache?p= ... 1&.intl=jp
I guess it is all about courtesy and trust - but when you have toylust its hard to adhere to that. I remember holding back on bidding on an auction because a board member had called it, and then seeing other board members bid on it anyway - and feeling like I was an idiot for not taking my chance. In the end it went for more than I would have bid anyway, so no big deal. I guess auctions will always be won by those who can pay the most, or in some cases snipe the fastest (which is why I like YJ's anti-sniping sytem), or simply want it the most.... I lost count of the number of times Bamboomafia outbid me when we were in "the great SB buying frenzy of 2005". The great thing about this board is that people will help out each other, and keep an eye out for other peoples known wants -its kind of cool and community like. So I say, bid on what you have to, keep helping each other out, don't slag people off, be welcoming and give people the benefit of the doubt.
my "great" philosophy IT IS WHAT IT IS go for yours... call it out, email the person directly before the item ends, bid a ridiculous amount... if you want it that bad don't wait for others to help you out.
I've seen cases on here where someone is bidding on an auction but will step out if another person wants it and will pay a higher amount.